How long would you normally wait for a fibro scan result I had my scan a week ago.I don’t have an appt for the results until the 17 th of November.Feeling anxious my CT scan though didn’t show a problem with my liver at all it was unremarkable.
Fibro Scan : How long would you normally... - British Liver Trust
Fibro Scan

I would imagine you'll get to discuss all your results at the appointment on the 17th which isn't too far away now. Some Fibroscan operators will give you the result there and then but on it's own fibroscan doesn't tell the full story and needs to be reported alongside current bloods and your other tests.
Hi Cazmags
I am still waiting for my first fibroscan on November 18th and that will be 5 weeks since seeing my consultant. But, having worked in the NHS for many years, usually the scan will be reviewed by a radiologist (within a few days) before being passed on to the consultant or doctor.
In the past ultrasounds (and I assume fiibroscans) would be reported on within 48 hours and the consultant would have the results/ information within 3 or 4 days (often much sooner) but with covid in effect I am not sure whether this would pose any sort of delay.
I think 1 week should be enough time for the report to have been made. You should be able to check with your doctor to see if there have been any results/ information posted. He might call and tell you or maybe say the consultant prefers to talk to you directly.
My surgery has an online website where I can order medication but also... I use it to message my doctor as it seems to be easier than waiting in a phone queue for an hour, plus my doctor calls me.
I hope you get a good result.
Take care
FibroScan gives the results immediately as you're tested.
In two fibroscan results I had, the waiting time was:
1) around 10 minutes for the printout given by the reception; before that, a person doing the fibroscan discussed the result with me
2) I've asked if I can make a photo of the FobroScan screen (it was showing the result right after the test) with my mobile phone - yes I could; then, they've sent me the result with paper mail approx. 1 month later
Call them and ask!
Chase the results up because I had one done a few years back I didnt hear anything so I thought everything must be ok it wasn't until 2 years later I got a phone call to ask me did i ever get the fibroscan result from 2018 i said no well you need to stop drinking because your borderline cirrhosis i near collapsed I said your telling me now and I've been drinking for 2 years with borderline cirrhosis they didn't realise it until I had to visit the hospital about pain in my back and nose bleeds I still feel disgusted about it and they just cover each others backs yours is only a week leave it another week are so the chase it up I wish I had of but i trusted them to let me know if something was wrong to me they failed me sorry about the rant lol well goodluck with your results
Hello 👋 when I had mine done the lady told me my reading at the time of doing it. You should definitely be able to get the results before your appointment. Try calling your consultants secretary 🤗
Hi Cazmags1, as Katie has mentioned, a fibroscan is only part of the puzzle when making a diagnosis of liver disease. The other forum members are right, some patients are given the results at time of scanning but it's really only the clinician who can accurately interpret them alongside all your other results. I hope your appointment goes well, keep us posted!Trust10.
CT scan clear, so that's 1st base covered and good news. I am confused about the Fibroscan because the screen is right next to you with the numbers on it, I had my results instantly, but just had to wait for 10 shots and then you get an average. and a nice print out of all the shots.