Hi all, first i was trying to continue on my previous post couldnt fine my post hence a new post. if you all remember i posted pictures of my eye wondering if it is jaundice. I just had a fibroscan, it shows result of 4kap mean and median 1.4 and a cap of 291dbM and there is 15 number which i dont know what it is. i remember some one posting here how to read a fibroscan. Is there a place where i can interpret the resutlst and also if anyone knows what all that means. Thanks all.
Fibro scan: Hi all, first i was trying... - British Liver Trust
Fibro scan

If you're score 4 kpa you seriously have nothing to worry about I am post transplant and mine is 24.4 kpa and I have no symptoms of jaundice
And we can't interpret your results you need to ask your doctor or consultant
Thank Jojo, I have an appointment with Dr on the 6th. I was trying to get answers.
I understand that but it's against the rules on this forum 😊
But like I said with that kpa score nothing to worry about
Agreed. I'd pay good money though to get a kpa score of 4. Dream come true. 😍
4 kpa is to measure scarring on the liver. Your score is as perfect as one can get and suggests you have no scarring. Your cap score suggestsyou have fatty liver tho. But as I always say a fibroscan cannot be used alone to diagnose without other tests. If you have a fatty liver it will show up on an ultrasound and can be verified that way. The doctor will let you know what to do next.

thanks for your reply yes i have fatty liver, it was diagnosed my ct and ultrasound, i have high sedimentation rate, also apart from the other issue as high sugar, cholesterol, artheritis, they have ruled out autoimune, hepatitis, and rheumatoid. hence my start of fatty liver started. well now off to the next tests...
Well if you have no fibrosis and just the fatty liver that can very easily be reversed if treated correctly assuming the cause of it is treatable or curable. Dont panic to much right now. It's not a completely clean bill of health but it's a damn good position to be in as far as liver disease goes.
This explains how fibroscan results are interpreted.

thanks a lot.