First, I should be upfront and say I have not yet, if ever, been diagnosed with cirrhosis. My most recent ultrasoubd if my liver, in December 2023, only said "The liver is normal in size and homogeneous. There is a mild increase in echogenicity consistent with stage 1 steatosis. There has been no change since the prior examinations of January 14, 2020 and June 10, 2021." However, I had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy done on July 12, and besides findings of a hiatal hernia, Barrett's Esophagus and diverticulosis--all of which had been seen in previous scopes--thw Dr also wrote "portal gsstropathy". I'd never heard of this before, so I googled it and saw that it's usually related to cirrhosis.
The question I have is this: does it not seem like 6-7 months is an extremely rapid time frame for my liver to go from a mildly fatty liver to cirrhosis? I know that none of you are doctors, but you've all had some experience with liver disease, so I wanted to get your impressions. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.