Hi, so after a shock fibroscan result of 9.7 kpa, I went back to see hepatologist, who did another shearwave scan.My timelines of results is as follows (this is for info only, so people can see what I mean):
Oct 21 Fibroscan 4.7 kpa
Jan 22 Shearwave 1.57 m/s = approx 7.5 kpa
Mar 22 Fibroscan 5.9 kpa
May 23 Fibroscan 9.7 kpa
June 23 Shearwave 1.46 m/s = approx 6.48 kpa
This last ultrasound said my spleen was 8.8cm.
The hepatologist did seem more concerned this time & said he thought I had F1/F2 (previously when the result was 1.57 m/s he said it was F0/F1!). He also thinks I have fatty liver based on the fibroscan cap score of 299, although the ultrasound lady said she could only see a little bit of fat.
He initially said he thought the rash on my chest might be spider nevi, but after the result he said they probably weren't..
The literature on shearwave is very confusing- it was a logiq e9/e10 machine, and all of the studies I've found indicate that the cut offs are a lot lower than the manufacturer says.
A study comparing the e9 to biopsy found these kpa cut offs: F1 5.7, F2 6.42, F3 7.35, F4 8.87. This would put me at F2/F3.
To complicate matters my back molar tooth suddenly crumbled & fell out on Friday night, so it looks like I have a periodontal infection.
Over the past couple of days my bowel movements have started to smell of ammonia again (sorry for tmi), I've still got oral thrush and I'm having serious fungal skin infections which are hard to get rid of. I've also randomly developed small lumps on both wrists (insides).
My white blood count had been spiking up to 20 for months but then suddenly seemed to normalise, so I wasn't expecting the sudden teeth issues.
I'm going (hopefully) to see an emergency dentist on Monday and then I'll try to see my GP on Wed - I'm going to request a CBC, liver panel & lymphocyte subset, since there seems to be something wrong with my immune system.
I stopped drinking alcohol at the end of Feb 21 and to be honest I'm feeling pretty confused as to why there hasn't been any improvement, as I thought that was my main issue. My Bmi is 28.
I'm feeling pretty poorly & at this point I'm really struggling to make sense of all this data. I think it's probably a combination of Long Covid and liver fibrosis, but I still don't feel like I've got a clear answer on how much fibrosis I have.
Thanks for reading x