alcohol hepatitis Kpa 16.9 : hi I’m a 3... - British Liver Trust

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alcohol hepatitis Kpa 16.9

Stetheman246 profile image
25 Replies

hi I’m a 35 year old male in 2020 I have alcohol hepatitis and liver failure and was in hospital for a month and my liver went back to normal ..a year later I had a fibroscan and it was 16.9 Kpa and 220 cap score I was told that I’m f3 fibrosis and my gp said that all my liver went back to normal and I could drink the daliy recommend about but clearly I have liver damage is this reversible as I have been drinking a lot on the top of this aswell if anyone could help..thanks

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Stetheman246 profile image
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25 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

You should never have been told you could drink alcohol after suffering a bout of alcohol related hepatitis ...... in effect you've been throwing petrol on a smouldering bonfire and it is now causing damage. If your bloods are normal and this elevation of kPa is accurate and not due to ongoing inflammation then you may currently be looking at F3 fibrosis with your 16.9 kPa result as well as some fatty change with your 200 CAP result.

You need to take action on this a.s.a.p. seriously reassess your relationship with alcohol - ideally you need to quit altogether. There is still hope of reversal but if you continue the assault on your liver you'll be in the realms of F4/cirrhosis before long.


Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to AyrshireK

thanks for your reply..I was told after by my liver specialist to never drink again and I waited for over a year to see him after I come out of hospital I didn’t drink for 6 months then started again on and off..and my bloods results was normal and my fibro scan was 16.9 Kpa I have been drinking a lot on top of this and I’m have a fibroscan in the next week weeks again when I see my specialist I just wonder if it’s got worse and now I do have cirrhosis and I wouldn’t of drunk if I can make it worse I thought your liver repairs itself and goes back to normal..if I was 16.9 Kpa will that be higher now after I’ve been on and off alcohol for over 12 months again.

kensimmons profile image
kensimmons in reply to Stetheman246

For goodness sakes just stop drinking, don't you want to have a normal life, wife, kids? Stop it. (Easier said than done, I understand, truly I do), but you don't - from your post - seem to be even trying - you are excusing still boozing. Stop.

Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to kensimmons

I have a mrs and 2 kids and a nice house and very good job you don’t no my story or anything about so I can see you haven’t got a post on your self so I’m guessing your one of them peopled who has nothing and goes a round posting on people post who’s asking for advise and enjoying your little time..stop.

devkermeg profile image
devkermeg in reply to Stetheman246

Nothing this person said to you was wrong. Maybe a bit harsh but you clearly are making excuses for drinking. You already know what the best decision is regarding alcohol and your liver. Stop.

Babygirl101 profile image
Babygirl101 in reply to Stetheman246

Please don’t disregard or disrespect the advice off people on here. We are here to support one another. It would be advisable to abstain from alcohol in the long term due to your health issues. I, myself had to do detox and rehab to achieve abstinence due to dependence. I suffered with alcoholic cardiomyopathy, acute pancreatitis, alcohol hepatitis twice and hepatic encephalopathy. A fibro scan showed 13.4 kPa and F3. 12 months abstinent and my LFTs are normal again. If you can abstain without intervention, great! If not, services can support you. I highly recommend abstinence for life. Good luck x

Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to Babygirl101

there’s that many trolls and people saying things they no nothing about a person in this world we live in I have seen it many times on social media and it’s not nice..there was nothing good about advice off that mgs just saying don’t you want what I have already and let down through alcohol I’m only 35 didn’t really no anything about liver problem till I got poorly and my eyes went yellow and swelled up.. I must of took it the wrong way I’m only asking for people who has had similar experiences my gp said I’m back to normal my specialist said differnt and I wish I had known before as I probably have cirrhosis now

Babygirl101 profile image
Babygirl101 in reply to Stetheman246

I understand your frustration. I can only suggest that you take action now. You may be able to turn it around. You’re 35, not much younger than me (43) and if you can stop drinking, it can make a huge difference very quickly. The liver is remarkable! At my worst, I drank 2 lt vodka per day and I’m still here to tell the tale and thank God I am. Try to avoid thinking worse case scenarios (I know, easier said than done). Your best bet is to knock booze on the head. You will feel a lot better for it, physically and mentally. All the best, Cat x

Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to Babygirl101

yeh I’m 5 weeks with no alcohol today and and before my last drink I was around but when I have a drink I will drink everyday for a week or 2 morning and night I just hope I haven’t got from f3 to cirrhosis like others people have done as I didn’t understand how serious it was till I seen this site my go and specialist don’t tell me much and struggle to get a appointment but thank you and hope you stay same as it’s easy to drink when All my friends drink aswell I have the will power to do the I can for me and my family 🙏

Babygirl101 profile image
Babygirl101 in reply to Stetheman246

5 weeks is amazing. Please take this a warning. Your body is telling you no more. Speak openly with family and hopefully they will respect your decision to abstain and support you. Similarly, speak to your friends. Any that don’t respect your decision are not your friend. May seem harsh, but it’s true. Keep it up and fingers crossed, your next visit to your consultant will be a very different one. Good luck with everything x

Benwillfred profile image
Benwillfred in reply to Stetheman246

The comments sounded harsh but to be fair I have non alcoholic consultant told me to regard alcohol as a poison!!! Would you deliberately drink poison ?? Put your wife and children first......STOP DRINKING !!!

Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to AyrshireK

hi Katie is a fib4 test as accurate as afibro scan i have recently have a appointment with my liver consultant and my fib4 score was 0.52 and I’ve got a fibroscan coming up in next month or so and he thinks my kpa of 16.9 will have come down but he didn’t really tell me anything about fib4 till I received my letter with results on.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Stetheman246

I have no experience with either test so wouldn't want to comment on accuracy. If you've continued to remain booze free then hopefully your kPa will have come down.

Stetheman246 profile image
Stetheman246 in reply to AyrshireK

booze free and staying that way from now on my consultant doesn’t tell me anything he just says I’m having a scan in clinic in next month or so but thank you anyway for replying

mtk0925 profile image

sadly your dr gave you the wrong advice. You should not be drinking at all. He should have known better than to say that. 1-2 a month would have been acceptable even but back to daily???? Just very bad advice. I don’t have fatty liver or anything that’s showing up on a scan YET and my dr has told me 1-2 per month! He said no more than 4! I listen! I don’t even have that much.

Bachien profile image
Bachien in reply to mtk0925

in another post he said doctor told him NEVER drink again but he did it against doctor advice

Oldbits profile image

Dont drink.... stop before the damage is nolonger reversible. Your body has warned you so listen to it before it's too late. Everyone is different and what's ok for one isn't always ok for another. It's not easy when drink is part of your life and social life but there is help if you need it and ask. For the sake of those who care about you stop because watching someone you love become ill with liver disease is heart breaking and I am doing just that.

redpoint72 profile image

Hello there.Fella,you still have a chance to turn things around.....please don't waste that chance.

I agree with the others,your doctors should never have said that you can drink again,and obviously your drinking more than the recommended limits.

Best really fella,to leave it alone.

You don't want to end up like me,with cirrhosis....I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

If only I'd fully understood the dangers,and know better how to deal with things in life,that made me drink.

I do nowThank god!!!

You have kids to think about.

That must make you think,im sure.

I'm sure you will make the right decision, about drink.

My best.Chris

Dolly1001 profile image

DONT GO BACK! I am one of those given a second chance! I have reversed F3 etc.,

This has been a gift to me! I’m nearly 66. Sadly, I see you have replied aggressively to some when they are, in their own way, trying to help you save your life. They mean no harm, just the opposite.

The reason some suggest you need to reassess your relationship with alcohol is because, it appears, and I would be happy to be wrong, that you are looking for a reason to ‘over drink’. Been there, done that, got a hard drive full of reasons. But! Although I also ‘can’, I don’t drink because it simply isn’t necessary. If I’m out, sometimes I will have a small white or Rose wine, but generally, it’s easier to just not drink.

I consider it a gift that few are given! Having watched others die. Some also thought they were ‘cured’ and eventually drank heavily again. When the alcohol caught up with them again, they died fast, the damage occurred very fast (it seemed that way to me), it was also totally unforgiving a second time around.

It’s up to you, at the end of the day. Which is most important to you?

A Quality and quantity of life - or maybe a load of suffering? We sugar coat it, we try to be ‘diplomatic’, say things nicely, could have been put another way. All so someone doesn’t ‘snap back’ defensively.

Choose who you wish to believe, but reality is we are all going to die - it’s all about how we do it! You, like myself, have been given a second slice of the big apple of life, how are you going to make it work for you?

I choose life!🌹

Nipa81 profile image

hi, I hope you’re well today. I had alcoholic hepatitis 3 years ago, and like you spent time in hospital and managed to recover without lasting liver damage. However I can’t and won’t drink alcohol ever again, the hepatitis scared the shit out of me. I’ve read about far too many people not taking the warning and drinking afterwards with depressing liver results. It’s true that the liver is an incredible machine and can repair itself but only up to a certain point. Sustained abuse of any kind will result in irreparable damage. You’re too young to take chances or gamble with your health. Please try to make a healthier lifestyle your option. There’s so many people on here who have shared their horror stories, I can’t imagine how hard it is for you but I struggled and still do with not drinking alcohol, but I know it is better than risking it for even the odd bevvy. I wish you well,


Stills profile image

I’m going to perhaps controversially say ; would you still smoke if you had lung cancer? Just because our Livers maybe able to recover doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do everything in our power to assist that recovery. Not to mention the waste of medical attention and resources you create if you won’t help yourself. Note my earlier use of the word power, it’s is within yours, and no one else’s power to allow yourself to get well by abstaining from alcohol. Are you saying you’re powerless to control your future........

Murffie68 profile image

Three years ago my fibroscan kPa was 11.7 and I was told that was F4. I immediately stopped drinking and never looked back. My last fibroscan was 1.7 kPa (F1). No plans to return to drinking. I am very happy I can still eat occasional sweets. For a fraction of the cost of alcohol I can indulge in high-end coffee brewing at home. I'm healthier and wealthier without alcohol.

teletonetapper profile image

Hi there. Please listen to the advice of other members on this Site. They are very knowledgeable and sincerely have your best interests at heart in their responses. You may think some are being too critical of your post but, believe me, they are only trying to help you to live a healthy future and do know what they are talking about. Alcohol is not the answer and I am sure deep down you do realise that. Please think of your future and your dear family. Take heed.

EnglishRoots profile image


My God, once the liver is damaged by alcohol the booze must STOP literally until the day you die.

I know I sound dramatic, but NO amount of alcohol is safe for a liver that has been damaged with cirrhosis. I was diagnosed 6/14/2019 with decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis, and alcohol hepatitis. Haven’t had a drink since. Long and short at deaths door. I’m compensated now have been for a time now. My HEPATOLOGIST told me if I were to drink again “I would undue all the good I have done by not drinking “.

“IF I were to drink again it would be worse this time”. For me I ended up with cirrhosis because I have the disease of alcoholism. I could never have 1 or 2 etc, I never drank like most folks. Took years and hitting rock bottom to Finally accept it.

I feel terrible you were given such

dangerous rubbish advice from your Dr.

Recovery is possible!

I know the depths of Hell with drinking. It comes down to do you want to live or die?

I’m sorry to rant🙃

I’m sending healing prayers,


BritishLiverTrust8 profile image
BritishLiverTrust8ModeratorBritish Liver Trust

Dear Stetheman246

If you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)

Best wishes

British Liver Trust

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