Hi, is it possible to experience Hepatic Encephalopathy with F1 Fibrosis? Here's my backstory..
I'm ashamed to admit I was a daily drinker for approx 20 years (I'm now in my mid forties) as I used it to self-medicate to help with anxiety (terrible idea I know). I must have been averaging around 80 units a week for the first 10 years, and around 50 units a week for the next 10. Despite this I've held a full time technically demanding job.
About 2 years ago I developed itching on my forearms and shortly after I noticed my urine was bright orange and had terrible nausea. I immediately quit drinking and haven't touched a drop since. The nausea subsided but I then developed muscle twitching and for a period of time my limbs would randomly jerk. Since then my main ongoing symptoms has been intense brain fog, poor short term memory, muscle twitching and occasional bouts of itching. It's the cognitive issues that worry me the most - at times I can barely string a thought together and my speech can be slurred. I read up about Hepatic Encephalopathy and thought that must be it, as the brain fog immediately clears up after a bowel movement. I was convinced I had Cirrhosis and Hepatic Encephalopathy. I can't see what else it could be. I've also experience other symptoms during the past two years:
- Pale nails, no visible lanula on any fingers/thumbs, thin red strip on top of nails
- Very cold hands/feet
- Easily bruising
- Poor vision, feels out of focus particularly when looking at computer screen
- Constant headaches
- Sometimes a feeling of pressure in my head
- Slow movement, hands feel stiff.
- Stool colour is brown tinged with yellow
- Heavy feeling in the liver area
I haven't experienced any jaundice, ascites, bleeding, no major fatigue
Last month I eventually plucked up the courage to see a hepatologist who booked me in for blood tests, Ultrasound & Fibroscan. I was 100% expecting a diagnosis of Cirrhosis but the Ultrasound was fairly unremarkable (though there was mention of fatty liver and coarse echotexture) and the Fibroscan KPA reading was just below 7.0 which is F1 Fibrosis. Blood tests were normal. Consequently the hepatologist doesn't think my symptoms are HE related. He's highly respected in his field so I'm hoping he's got it right but I'm not convinced due to my symptoms.
Has anyone with risk factors for liver disease experienced symptoms of HE with a relatively low Fibroscan reading? If it isn't HE then what else could it be?
Appreciate any feedback.
Edit: Forgot to mention, during my initial examination the hepatologist observed some loss of muscle mass but no other stigmata for liver disease.