I have been diagnosed with F1 F2 fibrosis with a Kpa score of 7.4 .I have cured my fatty liver ..Any advise about decaffeinated coffee ....?4 cups of coffee disrupts my sleep....Does decaffeinated coffee will have same affect on fibrosis ..?My hepa told me to drink 4 cups of coffee throughout the day.....Any one else got benefit by drinking coffee..??
Coffee and Fibrosis: I have been... - British Liver Trust
Coffee and Fibrosis

This fellow (Gressner) seems to think it's a metabolite of caffeine (paraxanthine) that is key to coffee's antifibrotic / anti-HCC properties.
Search: "Less Smad2 is good for you!" for details. Look for the pdf in the search results to get the full paper.
It's unfortunate that the pharmaceutical (or supplement) industry doesn't come up with a paraxanthine medication, as paraxanthine doesn't stimulate the CNS nearly as much as caffeine.
If you look at the research on caffeine, it appears most people develop a tolerance to the overstimulating effects fairly swiftly with daily consumption. I never cared for coffee myself, but started drinking it when I got sick. It wasn't long before I could down 16oz of fresh brewed full caffeine joe without getting rattled.
Something to run past your hep doc, but I'd hate to think you might be missing the benefit from coffee by drinking decaff.

Thanks for the reply
I wonder if coffee reverse fibrosis ...I would carry a packet of roasted coffee everytime I am on journey....I don't know if It had similar effect on liver ....but I feel more energetic ..
Don't know that coffee might reverse fibrosis, but slowing or halting progression of disease is the Holy Grail for those who have not reached end stage cirrhosis.
Personally, I embrace anything with a good risk/reward ratio, which coffee seems to have.
The British Liver Trust have regular fundraising coffee mornings for exactly this reason.
Hi kuda123. I have started drinking coffee after reading it was good for the liver. I have cirrhosis. I have found it reduces my stomach pains and reduces my nausea. I also find eating a biscuit or something every two or three hours keeps nausea at bay. Worth a try. Jacquie
Hi donaldsgirl
BLT endorces drinking coffee as a part of maintaing liver health..I too benefited by drinking coffee ....Yesterday I drank coffee and had fibroscan .My score dropped by .8 kpa ...Coffee really helps in fibrosis ...Pharma company should invest in having decent reasearch with coffee..My hep told that if you maintain that score for a prolong period of time you can probably reverse fibrosis...My problem with excess caffeine is it distrupts sleep.....Are you in compensated stage of cirrhosis?I heard that with compensated stages have decent life expectancy..
Hoping for your quick recovery...Anyway thanks for the reply.Take care
Hi kuda123. Yes my cirrhosis is compensated and other than nausea and extreme fatigue I am fairly well. I hope you are too. Keep up the coffee. Best wishes, Jacquie.
Hey kuda123 The liver trust has a whole section on this website about the beneficial effects of coffee in liver disease. It's also got a 87ish page printout showing all the studies and supporting evidence for the claims. I printed it out myself and it was very uplifting.

Hi Phoenix
How many cups of coffee do you drink daily?I heard that filter coffee is better than boiled one .Coffee reduces liver stiffness in chronic liver disease .I still don't know what helps ...but I enjoy coffee a lot .Are you taking any medications for your cirrhosis? From your previous post it seems that your kpa was higher than mine without symptoms.
I drink 3.5 cups a day. My original kpa was 59 and 2 months after it was 38. Doing another scan Tom. No I'm not on any medications. A d I dont currently have a diagnosis of cirrhosis
Good luck tomorrow Phoenix I hope your downward trend continues.
From a fellow Canadian
Thanks Boone. I really appreciate it. I didnt know you were Canadian! We might be the only two.
We probably are the only ones it's unfortunate there's no resource like this for Canadians.
Take care
How did your fibroscan go today if you don't mind me asking
Unfortunately it didnt happen. It ended up being a meet with the hepotologist but she for some reason wanted to wait till next I see her to do another one. She said since we did it In September she would like to give six months in between