Well had my 12 month follow up yesterday. I posted a little while ago because I was a bit anxious about it. I feel well, but was a bit worried there may be something lurking that I’d overlooked. As you all said....there was nothing to worry about. Alls good with blood and scan. He’s happy that all my muscle mass has returned. So just a watchful eye from now. Everything working well he said. I’m still a bit confused that all my bloods can be normal and still have cirrhosis. My ultrasound did show liver disease but he said we’d have to do a Fibroscan to see the extent of fibrosis. He did say we could pop one in as part of the next review if I wanted, but the treatment is the same, so it’s up to me. Abstinence, good diet and exercise. He’s taken me off all the remaining meds I was on. Weird this morning not rattling a load of pills down my throat! So thankyou everyone for your advice. You were right!
Some good news: Well had my 12 month... - British Liver Trust
Some good news

Couldn't be happier for you. All looking good for the future!

Thankyou. Yes it’s been a bit of a journey, but a useful wake up call.
Hey that's great news! And shows just how amazing the human body is in its ability to recover and regenerate from almost death...This has been my experience too and I'm just so grateful to be alive, with my muscles back working for me and my brain properly in gear. I eat so much better these days and as for drinking, well hey, what's a glass of wine compared to a second chance of life - not even a small sacrifice!
Good luck for your future journey - sii forte!
I totally agree!
Amazing news!!! Isn’t the body incredibly resilient!! Good for you!!!😊👍⭐️⭐️
Thank you for updating us with this positive news!
That's fantastic news, hope for us all, well done 👍👏 xx
Always excellent to read that life has turned around for people, so well done!
I must admit it is a bit of a headscratcher understanding how they can say" You've got cirrhosis, but liver function tests (LFTs) are good". It might help to think of it like this. When your liver is not damaged, all of the workers on the factory line are awake 24/7 and carrying out the many tasks that a liver does. As the liver becomes permanently damaged (cirrhosis) in some areas, the workers in that area go to sleep and can't work, but the others keep going.
The ones that keep going, are still awake 24/7, so their job output looks the same.. If only a few workers go to sleep, the rest of them that are still awake can pick up the slack. When the awake ones get overworked (inflammation of the liver), the function of the liver is less good (workers are too tired to fully operate) and then the LFTs start to go up. Workers are starting to get stressed out.
If too much of the liver becomes permanently scarred (cirrhosis), too many workers have gone to sleep and then there's not enough awake workers to cover for the ones that have gone to sleep. Help is needed.
Hope this shines a little light on it.
Keep up the good work and we all love to hear a positive story
I guess I’ll need to make sure my awake workers get as much R&R as possible!
Well done for making all the right changes and getting such great results! Great to hear that it can be done.
Well done I’m glad you are doing so well, keep smiling xx
Well done Aotea!! This is great news and others have said it’s amazing what the liver can do x
This also gives others like me who are in the earlier days and not feeling 💯 that there maybe a day when we all feel like this but bottom line - life as you say is more far more important than wine / vodka or in my case was often both 🙈.
Well done 👏 again
Sue xx
Thankyou. I think it’s a bit of a journey. In the early days when I couldn’t walk just being able to get from one side of the house to the other was a victory. Then being able to ride again a few months later made me cry with joy as I never thought I’d be able to get onto the back of a horse again. Slowly my little targets got met and I was setting bigger ones before one day I realised I was living a normal life and feeling well. Now not taking meds feels like I’ve won the lottery! I thought I’d be on medication for life. My consultant laughed and said you don’t need them. Your liver is functioning fine....why do you need to take pills to help it. Your body is getting everything you need from your food and you’re weeing this lot back out as excess. Let’s save the NHS some cash! I’m not complacent though, the easiest thing in the world would be to slide back into bad ways. My liver did a very good job of objecting a year ago and has forgiven me. I don’t want to let it down now. On the days I felt crap, and believe me there were many particularly at the start, I used to sit in the garden and watch the birds and enjoy the sun on my face and thank my lucky stars that I could still do that. The things I had taken for granted in the past suddenly became very important. So keep positive and enjoy every day.
All my bloods come back fine, but I have cirrhosis, hepatitis and fibrosis. I can never figure it out!! Great that you had good news and if he has taken you off all your meds then that is a really positive sign. Keep on doing what you are doing x
So glad to hear this. I guess it's like any scarring on anywhere else in the body - we have a scar but it doesn't stop us doing stuff, mostly. I know what you mean though, it is odd that you still have cirrhosis but your liver's doing well. All the best ongoing x

Thankyou. Yes my consultant did explain it. Our bodies have more of everything than we need to live a normal life. Two kidneys, two eyes, one heart but with four chambers and although it’s only one liver it’s much bigger than it needs to be. It can regenerate and can function with just 30% of it working. Amazing organ really when you think about it.
I know, amazing that it regenerates. I kind of wonder if we keep cutting bits off and it regenerates would it end up like a new liver in the end 🤔🧐🤪
That’s fantastic news Aotea2012!
Congrats too on no drink for over a year now?!
Good stuff.
Hi I don't post often, I am was diagnosed with compensated ARLD in May and like yourself I stopped drinking straight away and have sustained since. My only option is a transplant, due to infection, one if many set backs I was unable to make the appt in March. After being in hospital for 7 weeks I am in a much better place and will hopefully make the new appt on Tuesday. Your post has uplifted me, and I over the moon for you that you have had such fantastic news. I wish you all the best and have no doubt that you will grab this opportunity with both hands
Hi Lola this time it has been fluid retention. I was taken off the 2 tablets as they didn't seem to be working. The idea was to see if there was something that would be better for me. This caused my LFT to be all over the place and it was affecting my kidneys. There's been so many infections, new findings, inflammation since Nov it's hard to remember. So glad I have written everything down. Next stop on the liver transplant train Edinburgh toot toot