Hello everyone. I am hoping to come up with some questions to ask my dr when I get back into the office for my appointment. I tend to not ask the right questions and let them rush me out the door.
I had some blood work come back abnormal back in November. I was trying to figure out what my dry mouth was all about. Elevated bilirubin, fractionated, with direct in normal ranges and indirect elevated. Other LFT’s were within normal range. The dr ordered further blood tests which I think were ggt and a smear. Both those came back with normal findings. I have used alcohol over the last 10 years, and used more heavily in the last 2-3 years. My anxiety over the blood work has been through the roof causing more symptoms. I’ve had a trembling feeling, dry mouth, stomach cramps (not really any right side pain at all), my eyes are a little jaundiced. My dr hinted towards Gilbert’s and sent me home to come retest in 3 months.
I ended up going to the hospital for the shaking and they did more blood work and a Ct. no findings other than the elevated indirect bilirubin and small amount of fluid in my abdomen.
If you were me what questions should I go in prepared with. I’m wondering if an ultrasound would be good to help alleviate some of my anxiety. Also I’m curious to see if birth control could be causing a rise in my bilirubin I am on mirena iud.
Any gentle advice is greatly appreciated. I’m not looking for mean comments about my anxiety. Thank you!