I have a question for the great people of this board. I have been seeing a couple of different doctors and I am not sure about if I can trust what the latest Dr. is telling me because research I have done says different than what he is saying. I had a blood test come back with a direct bilirubin high (only about .03 out of range at .23 but still high), and also had ultrasound done on abdomen. Two Dr.'s have told me that the ultrasound looks fine, but one of the Dr.'s is telling me that I have Gilbert's syndrome.
I thought when you have Gilbert's syndrome it is the indirect bilirubin that is elevated - not the direct bilirubin. I tried to ask this to the Dr. but he said something along the lines of "the direct bili measurement is not all that reliable and that is what we used to think but new evidence says otherwise". I was wondering if anyone had any insight into this question. Also, only with an elevated direct bilirubin and a 'pass' ultrasound - can I pretty much (with high probability) write off the possibility of permanent liver damage? Should the elevated bilirubin be a cause for further investigation, or can I just 'wait it out' (while not drinking of course ). Any comments are appreciated. Thank you.