Detox? : Partner had a fibroscan result... - British Liver Trust

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JulesCurtis profile image
20 Replies

Partner had a fibroscan result of 14.6 in early may, damage alcohol related, still desperately trying to get him a detox, but it seems to be a slow process, can anyone confirm how long it took them to get a detox ?

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JulesCurtis profile image
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20 Replies
susieanna profile image

It varies; i have been so desperate and ill physically and mentally that crisis team has come before/ ambulance and been admitted to Psychiatric Units as well as Hospital on the same day. I would think under normal circumstances it shouldn't take any longer than a couple of months, a month maybe?? But this will all depend on where you live; keep pushing for him. xx

Miche49uk profile image

I find it incredible that a fibroscan was arranged but not the removal of the one thing causing the damage! I mean this nicely, I have been detoxed before but it's hit and miss with hospitals and my gp intervened to get me into our local one and on the last occasion, having got Hepatitis which is of course a medical condition, the help was there. Many will just give a person a bag of fluids in A & E and perhaps some pabrinex (IV vits) then send them on their merry way...

Local alcohol support services should help, who arranged the fibroscan? Some agencies try and get folks to do a home detox reduction but this is personally I think very hard if not impossible unless someone else is present to oversee.

Have you spoken to your partners GP? I know hospitals are of the opinion that unless it is a medical issue they won't help but frankly if they intervened with aftercare too via external support services in the long run it would save them money in my humble opinion.

I hope help comes swiftly..

Michelle xx

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to Miche49uk

Hi Michelle thanks for your response,liver specialist can't help, GP refers to CGL who have been messing about with it for 12 months, he was referred to dual diagnosis who referred him back to psych, he has complex issues he self medicate s with alcohol, and is now physically addicted, told not to stop on his own, but 6 months have passed and no help, I have a folder full of appointment letters, but nothing is actually happening, he desperately wants help, and attends anything and everything they send him to but no help for his mental health and physical addiction ...very very hard to watch x

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to JulesCurtis

I'm so sorry to read that, especially as he clearly wants help. I self medicated, didn't even see it coming, I have PTSD and yet our local CMHT just blamed 'stress', I've had many traumas and I have never understood my behaviour as the rest of the time which can be years, months, I didn't drink. I don't even like alcohol and find it easy to avoid. Who are the CGL?

Can you go back to the GP for advice? Are there any other local alcohol support groups that can help? I don't mean groups for him to attend I mean help to get him off alcohol. I'm in Surrey.

Alcohol needs to be removed first really to then assess later the mental health side. I spoke to my GP recently and she's referring me back to a psychiatrist because they can't use alcohol as the root cause appreciating I've not drunk for almost the entire year and yet I'm hypervigilant, have flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, severe anxiety, isolate myself, low self esteem, zero confidence.. but mud sticks as the saying goes.. sometimes you have to kick up a big stink to get anywhere.

Is there a particular GP that you know to be particularly helpful?

Michelle xx

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to Miche49uk

I think there is a certain amount of chicken and eggs when alcohol abuse is involved the assumption being that alcohol is the problem, and all the issues will just go away when the drinking stops, they don't seem to realise the drinking started to push down mental health issues :( I hope you found some good help with your issues xx

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to JulesCurtis

I totally agree Jules, when I was 15 I had huge panic attacks, thought I was dying all the time, generalised anxiety that came out of nowhere... I wasn't self medicating then! 34 years later...sigh.

I hope your partner gets the help he needs, if he shows any signs of medical issues such as vomiting what looks like coffee granules or anything at all don't hesitate to call an ambulance..

Keep us posted

Michelle xx

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to Miche49uk

i think one of the things that has held us back is we deal with his crisis at home, and haven't leaned on services or rang crisis numbers etc ironic isn't - suffer in silence and no help is forth coming , thanks Michelle xxx

susieanna profile image

6 months; thats crazy! what is CGL?

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to susieanna

Change grow live's who you get referred to in our area for alcohol support, it's a post code lottery, if we lived a few miles nearer the city it's a different provider and knowing someone who works for them, totally different pathway to treatment...

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to JulesCurtis

That really sucks

Richard02 profile image

I did a home detox with chlordiazepoxide from the GP. That's the quickest way but demands vigilance and determination. You'll need vit b strong and thiamine as well. It can be done, I'm a year sober now after 35 years of drinking! I lean heavily on my new friends in AA and go to regular meetings, last thing I thought I could ever do, not for me I thought but I feel like I've got a second chance at life, it is wonderful.

Best of luck to You, you'll be in my thoughts.

JulesCurtis profile image

thank you Richard, at present he cant even get a home detox set up, good luck with your recovery- and well done!

Richard02 profile image
Richard02 in reply to JulesCurtis

A home detox is the simplest thing for a GP to prescribe and offer. Why can't they set it up? Support for alcoholics is dire, so you'll need to fight his corner to get things done. Dont be frightened about being a nuisance, GP's are overworked and unfortunately it's a fact that those who shout the loudest, get the treatment they need.

Good luck with everything and thank you for your support.

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to Richard02

Hi they are dragging their heels because they want CMHT to be involved mostly because they are doing nothing at present so we want some actual help, it's like trying to catch smoke ! They just won't engage

Richard02 profile image
Richard02 in reply to JulesCurtis

How frustrating for you. Could you try another GP? Get him admitted to hospital through A&E? I don't know but I feel your frustration

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to JulesCurtis

My experience of CMHT here is awful, I agree with Richard regarding GP especially as he actually wants help! The problem is the CMHT might not see through the alcohol so then you're back to square one!! Xx

JulesCurtis profile image
JulesCurtis in reply to Miche49uk

His psychiatrist has written in support of detox and rehab citing significant mental issues due to traumatic child events, PTSD etc so they can't really back peddle, they just aren't providing help, support or even suggest treatment, CGL( partners dealing with the detox) are trying to engage CMHT to provide a plan/package of treatment, brick wall so far :( it's very difficult x

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to JulesCurtis

See this is just bonkers isn't it.... ironically I had a call from our CMHT today thanks to a GP at my practice writing an apparently very detailed letter requesting further assessment.! First thing out of her mouth.. "well done on tackling alcohol" I immediately made it very clear that it's the reverse as I have NEVER understood why I drank on occasion and so out of control, so it wasn't and isn't hard to tackle at all, I've been sober far more than I've been's all the other symptoms that are hard to tackle and always have been, similar to your partner.

Couldn't the psychiatrist liaise with the GP to at least get your partner off the alcohol? It'll take about a week on chlordiazepoxide and then set up support on discharge, if in hospital that is. Some hospitals just won't play ball with detox unless there's an underlying medical reason.

I've been told I have a 3-4 week wait now. Well at 49 and having had initial symptoms since 15 I think I can wait...

Keep us posted xx

in reply to Miche49uk

Please take care and let us know how it goes please. It's true you have to mither and shout to get anything done!! I've only just started putting my foot down but if seems to be working!! Thank you to everyone on here, much appreciated xxxx

JulesCurtis profile image

well 9 months later and many battles ....and my partner is 5 days into detox, its going well x

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