Cirrhosis : Hi I’m really worried about... - British Liver Trust

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Scoobydoo13 profile image
11 Replies


I’m really worried about my sister,she’s got cirrhosis and doesn’t tell us things,can you live a normal life with this disease?

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Scoobydoo13 profile image
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11 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Sorry to hear about your sister and your struggles to find out how she really is.

Living with cirrhosis is all about managing the other side effects that come along with it. The liver does 500 different jobs in the body and dependent on how damaged the liver is then it knocks out some of these 500 different functions.

A cirrhotic liver can either be compensated which is where it manages to carry on working to a degree - at least carrying out it's most important of jobs or decompensated when it struggles to even carry out those jobs which are essential to life.

In it's compensated or stable state the liver can go on for years (my hubby was diagnosed with initially decompensated cirrhosis in April 2012 when he almost died from a massive internal bleed). Today he is compensated, stable and doing ok in the grand scheme of things. He is able to walk and/or cycle several miles to keep himself fit but he has symptoms that means he has cognitive function difficulties, chronic fatigue, sleep disruption and other things BUT he thankfully has none of the life threatening symptoms common in end stage liver disease or decompensated cirrhosis.

A key thing with any/all liver disease is identifying the underlying cause and either treating it or dealing with it through lifestyle change. If the attack on the liver can be halted then the liver can heal to a degree.

Diet and nutrition are important and generally looking after yourself together with compliance with medical treatment and monitoring - 6 monthly scans, 6 monthly blood tests as a minimum.

It sounds like you need to educate yourself a little about cirrhosis and then you know what you are dealing with and if any symptoms in your sister are obvious to you. All you can do is offer her your support and it's up to her if she accept your help and support.

The BLT has an excellent guide about cirrhosis which would be a good starting point for you:-

All the best, Katie

Scoobydoo13 profile image
Scoobydoo13 in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you so much,I now know a lot about her condition,she’s very distant and seems sad,her liver is functioning well at the moment xx

Full1512 profile image
Full1512 in reply to AyrshireK

Hi Katie, Iv just had my biopsy on Monday. It went well. I’m controlling my heartburn by eating little and often.. Iv always had a healthy diet. Iv cut down on carbs. I see the constant on thd 24 th of January. I’m feeling great. I’m off to the states to do grandma duty over the festive holidays. I can now pin point when the symptoms stated. Diving skiing sailing & hill climbing have became a problem. I still cycle and play tennis. Because of my low salt intake I get cramp. And put the catches under my ribs down to cramp. I’m still getting breath taking pains under my ribs. Any advice would be much appreciated. The lady 3 weeks have been a worry. Athena

theoldboiler profile image
theoldboiler in reply to Full1512

If your liver is struggling you NEED carbs for energy as you cannot store it any more. A liver diet is high protein and high carbs eaten in small amounts every few hours

in reply to AyrshireK

Hello scooby sorry about your sister,Katie please could you tell me as your very informed on this what is the start of liver problems I had one high count last year this went to normal as I stopped drinking alcohol for 3 month's, of which due to stress I started again most nights not always much just half bottle wine but I have had some binges of a full bottle and bit more as from today I'm going to stop again I'm going to ask for another blood test as my last one was march, and does a fatty liver then progress to chirrosis I asked doctor if my livers damadged he said no there's 3 counts the others are fine, I don't eat much saturated fat as watch my cholestrol I wish you and your loved ones well 🤗

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

Hi Happy Swimmer, it would be wise to reconsider your relationship with alcohol.

Having had elevated bloods whilst drinking that calmed down with cessation it demonstrated that your liver wasn't happy with the battering it was taking with the alcohol. Whilst your liver has the amazing ability to regenerate it can't do this indefinately and there is a high risk that with inflammation comes fatty liver, fibrosis and potentially cirrhosis. The thing with liver disease is it is often 'silent' until symptoms start to appear and this is usually once the liver is already a fair way down the liver damage journey.The BLT has a very useful page about alcohol and liver disease which would be good reading for you. Alcohol is no good for someone with anxiety issues either, as a depressant drug it isn't in the long term going to improve your anxiety and could potentially cause damage not only to your liver but a whole lot of other body systems.


in reply to AyrshireK

Hello thank you I have decided to stop drinking from today and looking forward to waking up feeling please with myself and been healthier I will read the link I can't stand this guilt anymore I stopped before and so can again 🤗

Hi Scoobydoo

Katie has covered all the points perfectly but I hope your sister has a good partner or will allow you in. Any illness, problem or disease is difficult alone. Having someone in your life to go with you to examinations, to watch out for you, to be a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen or just someone to be there, day or night is an enormous help.


Ubwa profile image

I have a pretty normal life. I exercise within limits PH safely allows, function normally and can’t really complain except for a few days here and there where I just get exhausted- but that’s normally after pushing myself too hard or start getting lazy with eating.

Thankfully no HE symptoms, which would spell an end to my career so I do try do everything I’m told to so I don’t develop symptoms or can kick it down the road as far as possible.

Zukosmile07 profile image

These guys are amazing, every time I read the information that Katie so kindly gives for nothing is her strength and knowledge. I have suffered everything that Katie can describe so easily. Your sister may know all the symptoms by just living with the disease, everyone is different. Talking with Katie would be a normal conversation about the horrible effects of cirrhosis. (To me) Just on your own thinking about things and wondering what I might or might not be have or how far has it gone, is it too late, is a nightmare on it's own (anxiety). So living with cirrhosis could be absolutely anything, you are thinking of a symptom and your liver is grumbling at you just because you have eaten half a gram of salt too much and your head is making your liver feel upset when gale stones start shaking around like dice on a crabs table. Talking about it and knowing about it is half the pressure relief. I found on this site that it is more a family member or friend or loved one that ask all the questions because the sufferers are suffering the condition. Knowing your own condition and dealing with it head on is the only way that worked for me. I could never write like what Katie does but I could tell you the best way (I think) to deal with it. Let her read things like this and sit together and chat because you will not receive help like this so generously anywhere. Dave is a wealth of knowledge and experience. You have it all under one little forum. Love DannyX

Hi Scoobydoo13 and welcome to this friendly forum. I can see that you have recevied lots of good advice and support. Our nurse led helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 if you would like to talk things through. We also have support groups which may be helpful to you, I'll attach the link below.

Take care,


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