Cirrhosis : Hi. John here, I have class... - British Liver Trust

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34 Replies

Hi. John here, I have class A cirrhosis, lsm 40.4kpa,cap399 liver cysts, diabetes, AF, skin cancer.

Have tried to book on line for delivery been told I don't fit the vulnerable criteria. I'm 73yrs old has anyone got any ideas. I am in isolation with my 71yr old wife

34 Replies


I'm sorry you are struggling. I'm sure you are in a vulnerable position. Have you tried a different supermarket or local shops. I've heard local shop keepers are being really helpful. You could put a note in your window asking for help. Some towns / villages are using this, green card/paper in window , you don't need any help, red card in your window tells people you need help. Take care and stay safe. Love and hugs to you both Lynne xxxx

Mama41 profile image

Morrisons are doing essentials boxes for £ dont get to choose what's in it but may work at a push.

I'm sorry you and your wife are in this position and I hope you find a solution xx

Hi John

Can I ask what village/area you live in as I maybe to find away of getting a DBS police approved volunteer to assist you and your wife.

You can private message me if you like and I'll try my best to help . Note I'm police registered and happy to phone you at no cost to yourselves.

I'm sorry your in this situation and I'm sure one of us if not myself might be able to help .

Love Trish x

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

He's a man of Kent born in 1947 at a guess 😁

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Laura009

Stop letting on his age Laura 😀’ll be giving us his mobile number next 😂

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to ThreeSmiles

Hush my mouth 😷

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Laura009

I just knew you'd " like" that Miles !!😃

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Laura009

Indeed 🤐



in reply to Laura009

Cheers Laura! Hope he'll be in touch!


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

I'm sure he will take the advice given, make a few calls and get a hamper of essentials delivered. No one will be abandoned. Help is out there and volunteer groups are growing rapidly.

Stay well !

in reply to Laura009

Thanks Laura! You too ! 😘

mattymoo33 profile image

Hi lovely. Is there a community support network where you are? I know in my area (Nottingham) there are people who will, amongst lots of things, shop for you, collect meds etc.

I hope you can access the help you and your wife need.

Take care 🌞


Please see the latest we have found out about access to food if you are self isolating:

Sourcing food and essential supplies if you or a family member is highly vulnerable

We know that many people who live in high-risk households are worried about how they can source food and other essential supplies.

First of all, make sure you have read the latest Government advice:

Read the Government guidance on shielding and how you can get assistance:

Make sure you have registered as a vulnerable individual – this can help you access deliveries of essential supplies. Register at:

Other tips and ideas:

 If you have family or friends who live locally to you, ask them to help by shopping for you or picking up prescriptions.

 Online food delivery services are under huge pressure, but many supermarkets are prioritising vulnerable individuals, and several chains are looking to increase their capacity to specifically target high risk households.

 Try searching online for “coronavirus food support” and your location e.g. “coronavirus food support Portsmouth” to find out about specific services in your local area.

 Check for updates and advice from your council or local authority – they may have set up help and support options that are reserved for vulnerable individuals

 There are some fantastic initiatives all across the country where local people are setting up schemes to help others in their community. Many areas have Coronavirus Mutual Aid groups set up who may be able to help: visit for the latest list of groups.

Remember to continue to protect yourself by following all shielding advice at all times, including when anything is delivered to your house.

This will be live on the website later


in reply to

Thanks very helpful 😋

davianne profile image

Hi John,

I did an online Tesco shop nearly 3 weeks ago, and it will be delivered this Sunday, earliest slot available then. I just heard today that there is a limit of 80 items, and as mine is my normal monthly shop, I exceed that number. I'll just have to wait and see how much I get, but will check my order status online on Saturday.

I also hear the the panic buying is calming down, so supplies should be better now.

I hope you can get help with food delivery from your local assistance groups that are available to us older, vulnerable people just now.

Best of Luck,


Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply to davianne

Hi David,I had a Tesco delivery last night. Like you it was booked weeks ago..there was no limit of 80 items when I placed the order but I did get the email this morning informing me of this change.

None of the fresh meat I ordered was delivered,no flour or pasta or veg oil..

I didn't order loo roll so not sure about that.

I ordered some bars of soap and they did arrive as did bread and fresh fruit and veg.

The delivery man unloaded all the bags ar the front door with no crates. We waited for him to knock and step back from the door before we opened it.

Im not classed as vulnerable but am trying for others benefit to not leave my house. Anything that was not delivered last night we will go without.

I go for a bike ride once a day but apart from that have been home since monday night.

Stay safe and I hope you get all your shopping delivered 😊

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Mama41

Thanks for your reply Mama. That's very good to know that they have returned to bags, as I usually stand at the door with the foldable crates to transfer the shopping to, and I have a large monthly delivery. If i don't get all I ordered, I will have to order again straight away to ensure I don't run short.

My wife Annie, has just come back from an hours run alone. I had to sell my bike, when my osteoarthritis got worse.

Thanks again, and you stay safe as well,


Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply to davianne

The slots in my area are all fully booked for at least the next 3 weeks so I hope they manage to deliver the majority of your shopping for you.

Tesco do seem to be very safety conscious so even if you do hear them at the door best not to open it till they knock and have time to move away from your door.

Best wishes xx

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Mama41

Hi, I had a parcel delivered by the post office this morning, and I got an old fashioned look from the postman when I asked him to put it on the mat, even though I have the vulnerable person poster on the door.


Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply to davianne

Oh that's a shame. You would think the post office would be telling their staff to keep a safe distance.

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Mama41

That's what I thought, but he was only a young lad, so didn't want to make an issue of it.


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to davianne

Hi David.

The post office have instructed their postmen/women to knock on the door and put the parcel on the doorstep and stand back at a safe distance and if the parcel needs a signature then they will sign on your behalf.

In turn they asked us the customers that when we hear a knock on the door to wait and give the post person a few seconds to stand away before you open the door.

This was in an announcement from the Post Office a few days ago.


davianne profile image
davianne in reply to alfredthegreat

Hi Alf, yes, I did wait, but as soon as I opened the door, he thrust the parcel into my hand before I could ask him to put it on the mat. I washed my hands immediately afterwards.


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to davianne

I wasn't criticising you David. It's the postman at fault.

They have the new guidelines to protect themselves as well as the customer.

My postman yesterday left a parcel in a box that I've placed on the doorstep for any large deliveries.

He then knocked, so I waited a few seconds but I could see that he wasn't backing away so I didn't open the door.

He then tried the door handle (luckily the door was locked).

He was obviously going to open the door and shout through that he'd left the parcel in the box.

I'm afraid that the new Post Office rules don't seem to have filtered through to their staff :-( :-(

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to alfredthegreat

Please don't worry Alf, I know you weren't. I was just explaining the sequence of events😊. Annie had a box with flowers delivered for Mother's Day, and, on reading the "vulnerable person" poster on the door, they just rung the doorbell and stepped back, so that was what I expected the postie to do.


in reply to davianne

Hi David

I have sat up till 1.00am to book a slot with all the major supermarkets it changes days at about 11.30pm to12. 30am and all the slots are unavailable, I've been doing this for 2/3 daysnow but no luck😢😢


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

Do you have a local budgens? Apparently they are doing home deliveries


davianne profile image

Hi John,

I'm sorry to hear your having trouble getting a delivery slot. Our local Co-op, and Sainsbury's Local seem to now have good stocks, but only allow 5 people in at a time.

I did my shop 3 weeks ago, and will be delivered on Sunday, but I will check on Saturday night, what is available or not, and amend my order to suit, because I have already found that some items ordered originally, were now showing as not available.

I hope you get a slot soon,


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to davianne

Daughter and SIL went shopping today for us (2) and her family (2 Adults 5 children). When they got there they would only allow shopping for do you overcome that one? I have registered as vulnerable re food deliveries but stated that for the present we have someone who can do our shopping (I.e. daughter and SIL) — may have to change that!

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to ThreeSmiles

Hi Miles,

Where did you register as vulnerable?


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to davianne

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to ThreeSmiles

Thanks, Miles 👍👍👍,


davianne profile image
davianne in reply to ThreeSmiles

hi again Miles, I didn't know I could register, as Annie, although 70 years old, is not classed as vulnerable. I think you should register, just to be safe. I wonder if I can register as vulnerable with Tesco's to get priority delivery slots? As I said, I have one coming on Sunday, but I've heard of people only getting a third of their order. As Mama said, she was told they had limited orders to 80 items. Worrying times😥😥😥


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to davianne

Very 😕👎

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