I’ve been through a decent amount of tests endoscopy ct scan and many ultrasound scans and a hida scan nothing has shown anything abnormal with my liver. But when I take any type of meds which I’m on Prozac it goes up. When off meds my enzymes are ok. They stay in the mild elevated range. Cholesterol is high! I try and eat like I have fatty liver and avoid alcohol but the other night I had 3 drinks and felt horrible that night so I’m worried I over did it. But I got to just correct the behavior and stick to my 1-2 drink minimum for social events or just avoid it all together.
If the dr doesn’t see fatty liver on s... - British Liver Trust
If the dr doesn’t see fatty liver on scan then is it still fatty liver?

Hi Mtk
I hope you mean "maximum" 1 to 2 drinks not "minimum"
I am only just learning about how important our livers really are. They do so many functions that it is natural to assume many things can have an effect upon them.
You seem to have come to a crossroads, which might be really good for you, you mentioned giving up alcohol altogether, that would be a very wise move in the right direction. Your alcohol consumption may well be minimal compared to other peoples but it is a contributing factor. Several things can lead to fatty liver, even if we avoid alcohol. But we are all different and it may be that your livers sensitivity to alcohol has changed, it may be trying to let you know it cannot deal with even a moderate amount of alcohol.
As you are fighting cholesterol and eating as healthily as you can, abstaining from alcohol may be just the huge difference your body needs at the moment.
It is never easy, people will say "just one will not hurt you" there will be times you will feel as though you are being anti social by not having something stronger than soda/ But THOSE are the moments when you really show your inner strength.
When I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic, the nurses at the class told me, we can have diabetes for years before it gets to a level that can be unmistakable. For years I was "borderline, elevated or a little high blood sugar.... perhaps you could see your elevated results as a warning and not ignore it as I did with my sugar.
Let us know if you are going to give up alcohol.
Take care

Thanks yes I meant maximum. I was a heavy drinker in college and a little bit in my twenties. But now very much in moderation. I still worry a bit but ultrasounds keep showing things are ok: I had a baby 10 months ago and my liver looked perfect during the whole pregnancy it was only when I went back on meds my ALT went to 43 and my AST 33
We all respond differently to meds and it is probable that yours do elevate your levels.
I cannot over emphasise what a wonderful thing it is, the fact that you have chosen to eat healthier choices (I know sometimes it is not possible). It is something that you deserve huge credit for doing. Better foods will reduce the workload on your liver and will help the livers health.
Avoiding alcohol altogether will also be another huge step and your liver will thank you for that.
Your little one is at an age when they start moving around the house quickly, whether crawling or taking those steps these are wonderful times. You must be so proud.
You do not want to spend time having tests when you can be at home watching those special moments. If ever you needed a reason to give up the occasional drink, I think it has been right in front of you for the last 10 months
I hope your cholesterol level starts to drop as well.
Take care
yeah, a CT scan showed possible Cirrhosis for mine and all follow up liver scan, ultrasound, endoscopy, bloods and a second CT scan said nothing there, so they removed it from my diagnosis... i dont get it either.
That’s so scary! I don’t know how much faith I have in test. My father in law just passed from pancreatic cancer and liver cancer and the scans missed soooo many large tumors. They kept telling him it was his diet that was causing symptoms.
This is why it's rare for a hard and fast diagnosis is made after a single test. MRI's and CT's can cause artefacts if you happen to move every so slightly or the radiographer may have misread something. Doctors are Human too after all, and can make mistakes.
I remember when I was 21 I had an MRI of my head ( started to get migraines after a long hiatus) and they thought it showed I potentially had some severe disorder where the brain connects to the spinal cord and basically meant I would become a quadriplegic in the next few years if so. But DR said he needed to run more tests and more scans to be sure, so try not to panic. Queue about a week of sleepless nights while I had another MRI and a CT scan that showed the first was a shadow.
Hi Mike,
There are many medications that can lead to a raise in the liver blood tests. Not sure about proactive, but given its uses i would be more surprised if that didn't have an effect on your liver. Even simple over the counter medications like ibuprofen can do the same. Given that you say the levels drop when you don't take the meds then that's probably quite a good suggestion that is probably the cause. It is though something your docs will keep an eye on.
The good thing is that they have arranged the various scans etc to rule out anything more sinister. But, yes, it is a good idea to only drink in moderation, keep eating healthily and keep doing some exercise. Your liver is quite sensitive, so giving it a helping hand is always going to be beneficial.
Medications, as said above can raise things in blood tests. If you are anxious all the time, that can manifest itself in feeling unwell. If nothing is showing damage apart from some elevated tests then I would not worry too much and do as doctors do. Its positive that nothing is showing up. Not drinking will only help, we as a society need to get away from this idea that you need to drink or are being unsocial etc. We all accept alcohol as the "norm" yet it does more damage than most class A's pound for pound...
I agree with that. We do need to rethink about how we view alcohol as a way to be social. My anxiety is bad almost out of control. I did go to the dr and he sent me out for an EKG I was ok. But my heart was racing so much I thought I was stroking out. I mostly feel anxious about my health but sometimes it’s social as well. Sometimes I’m over whelmed with my job and then my kids are fighting with each other and I just want to grab a drink to relax but I don’t. I try hot chocolate hot tea I feel it helps me.
What helped me take control was 3 things.
Reassuring myself.
Reading the stories on here that people have shared. People here, who have been extremely ill, far worse than you or I and they have worked hard, done everything right and got their lives back. If they can do it then you and I can do it. So, there is hope even much further down the line. Doing things the right way now means we may never get that poorly.
Talking/ typing.
I was a fool, I thought counselling meant admitting weakness or accepting I was a failure... WRONG, it gave me back my mental strength and let me take control of my life again. My counsellor made me understand that my anxiety was in control and ruining my life.
Dealing with anxiety.
This was tough to begin with. Every time my mind was idle, it would create the most frightening scenario it could find. It would taunt and torture me, making me foolishly google symptoms and convince me that the worst find was my fate.
I've learned to keep my mind busy, music is great for me, especially as I love everything from classical to rock, when things get really tough I'd watch youtube comedy clips. I guess laughter really is mental medicine.
Every time I distracted myself and stopped anxiety taking control, it got a little easier. Now I just enjoy life. Do I worry? yes but, no more than anyone else. Anxiety does not run my life, I do.
You are a mother and I have never met a mother who does not have an untapped inner strength. Perhaps you can summon that and think that defeating anxiety is the number one goal for your family as well as for you.
Wishing you well

Thank you Dave for that very thoughtful reply. I am so glad that you were able to get control of your anxiety. I really hope I will have a similar story to tell one day: it really does control my mood, my life, and my actions. Avoidance at times, anger, shortness with others and sadly my family, it’s a lot a heavy burden and I fall down the rabbit hole of googling symptoms as well. Along with the anxiety I suffer from OCD not the cleaning disinfectant kind but the ruminating intrusive thoughts kind and dwelling on life events and such. So it becomes a lot at times. The Prozac Xanax helps but I know I need real strategies to manage this; I was working with a therapist but he didn’t seem like a good fit than I worked with another and just am not seeing much of a difference in my ways.
Ah yes, anger, I know sometimes I'd be so focussed on my own problems that I would blurt out an angry reply at someone who must have wondered what they had done to deserve it. Obviously, they had done nothing and my anxiety had stressed me to the point of having no patience.... unfortunately, that always led to me feeling so guilty about what I had done... depression would kick in, I'd tell myself I deserve my illness for being a jerk and my anxiety would have won again, once the guilt wore off, anxiety would start to get a grip again... it is such a vicious circle that it is not easy to break free.
Unfortunately, those we love the most, those closest to us are usually those we hurt the most. I've spent a lot of time apologising. The guilt is a huge weight around your neck holding you down. I cannot describe the feeling to be rid of it. it is like flying free.
You may need to find the right therapist but do not give up. As you say it is finding the right fit. But the search is worth it, because getting control back is getting your life back again.
I've noticed a lot more wonderful things in my life that have always been here in front of me, but my anxiety made me constantly look inwards, so I was missing all those things around me that make life amazing and full of joy.
I hope you can break free and enjoy life to the fullest
Sometimes people start off drinking because they enjoy it and it gets out of control, but often it is the "demons" in our heads, that make us seek escape through alcohol or drugs, prescribed or non prescription (as in my case). We lean on them as a way to deal with whatever is in our heads, tragic loss, unbearable memories, anxiety, stress, depression anything at all that we do not want eating away at us...
but that "relief" that these bring is only temporary and only leads downwards in a spiral that gains momentum. Dealing with what is in our heads is the only permanent solution.
If you ... scratch that... when you beat anxiety, you will find dealing with any problems your liver brings, you will handle it, you will reverse it and live a long life looking after your grandchildren and their children