Anyone who's viewed my other post entitled 'Could I already be beyond help with my liver problems' will be well aware of my condition, but on a general point I wish to ask: Could the symptoms that I'd imagined were liver problems really be caused by something else altogether, even though part of the pain is seated around my upper right quadrant? I say this because:
a) The condition feels especially sensitive to hot drinks and spicy foods.
b) Is worse when I'm stressed than when I'm relaxed.
c) Can be temporarily eased most times by a big glass of Andrews Health Salts or similar, or a couple of big glasses of water.
Despite all this, the condition has now been with me for around eighteen months or so, all of which makes me feel that it's pretty well advanced by now. Granted, it hasn't killed me yet, but for all I know it could be well on the way to doing that despite my many tests. I don't mean to be over dramatic, but I'm especially stressed this weekend as anxiously wait for the results of a CT scan I had last Tuesday, of which I'm really scared the results might bring bad news irrespective of the fact that my previous blood and Ultrasound results were largely pretty OK.