I have (3 mths ago) been officially confirmed by fibroscan & ultrasound with F4 Cirrhosis. Unknown to me, or not taking liver disease seriously, I have had pretty bad liver problems for at least 6 years.
To be honest, I am still trying to get my mind around it.
A few months ago, I was quite ill in hospital, Since leaving I have tried hard to change my diet etc, my blood tests were pretty bad, but am now nearly normal apart from the red blood count and GGT, but as much as I try. I cannot stop getting cravings for salt and sugar.
I feel well in myself, and am back at work part time on a phased return.
I have always used low sodium salt, and do now check labels on food items for the amount of salt.
Am I OK to use the low sodium salt as long as I feel well. Or am I causing real trouble for the future. I think the sugar cravings are because of stopping alcohol, and I cannot stop eating loads of ice-cream.
I am asking only because a kind nurse told me that although feeling OK on the outside, it is my inside which is in trouble and I could suddenly feel really ill.
Can someone just give point me in a righteous way...
Sorry for the message being so long, when there is a lot of more important messages than this one.