Hey, hello, my name is Jim. 42 years. Live in Holland. Earlier asked a question here but didnt properly introduce myself. Im sorry. Nice to meet u all.
Ok, I have Portal Hypertension. Bad and unexpected news, but at least now it is clear. My complaints just cover the complaints of portal hypertension (enlarged spleen, ascites and some bleeding from my behind once in a while). I am being treated with a beta blocker (carvedelol, of course no salt intake and water tablets). It pretty much seems to do the job. Other symptoms connected to liver problems: none, really absolutely nothing. I feel pretty normal actually.
Because of this last thing: a liver that gives no signs but the PH symptoms, I really cannot find anything about life expectancy and / or in combination with my PH. Can someone relate, or enlighten me in this situation? Am i just waiting for my liver to fail and do get all the symptoms (jaundice, red palms, spider veins, etc etc)? Or are there people among u guys that already live for years with only this PH problems? Thank you for time and reading my question...thanks.