Hi guys the real reason alcohol related liver disease is kept off TV is the government won't allow it. There's another epidemic on the way. Rising deaths from liver disease. Its about time people knew the real truths. Before it's too late. Cover ups, brushed under carpet, liver disease will one day overtake heart disease as the number 1 cause of premature deaths. What a sad world we really live in.. Look after yourselfs. Only get 1 body. Best wishes
Why is liver disease kept off tv - British Liver Trust
Why is liver disease kept off tv

Too much revenue in tax from alcohol. They need the money to find the nhs and other services. Money makes the world go round but something is deeply wrong somewhere with the system. Catch22
You obviously don't watch any soaps as alcoholic liver disease has been major story lines in at least 2, main character in eastenders had a transplant due to alcohol and current storyline in coronation street main character had a transplant last week. Storyline of alcoholism played out over years.
No I don't watch soaps. Its not real life. N the stories or over the top or far from real life liver related illnesses. I had at least 18 A&E visits. Ambulances as I felt so so ill. Unable to work or do normal day things. Looked n felt dreadfully ill. Too ill to hold a conversation at times. That's real life. My post was about TV adverts warnings of severe illness due to alcohol in many cases. It's all about money money money.. Greed greed
... and sadly is being poorly portrayed as has been previously discussed on this forum

Yeah Peter Barlow looked cool as a cucumber. In real life ppl are very scared n anxious, lots of emotion. As well as severlly sick in many cases. Soaps portrayal is a tamed down version of the real life version
'Casualty' regularly has alcohol related liver disease storylines. East Enders, Coronation Street and River City now all have had ARLD / transplant storylines.
In fact those of us supporting loved ones with liver disease that it not alcohol related feel that liver disease portrayals on tv actually focus too much on the alcohol related causes so much so that the public at large have a false impression that liver damage only occurs with alcohol.
We often find ourselves explaining that hubby is life long t-total yet still got cirrhosis. Tv's continual portrayal of alcohol related liver disease doesn't educate on the non-alcohol related causes one of which is NAFLD which is likely to be the leading cause of liver disease (higher than alcohol) in the next few years.