I'm a 50 yo caucasian male. A few months ago I started getting muscle twitches in my arms and legs when resting. Of course, scouring the internet always seems to make one think the worst. Of course, Parkinson's comes to mind...these twitches are more of an annoyance than anything.. fast forward to 2 months ago.. I felt "general malaise" for a few days and wondered what was going on. No real "symptoms" other than fatigue and malaise. I had felt twitches in my liver area once... then over time I could feel a slight discomfort there and in my lower abdomen on both sides. None of it was painful, just mild. Anyway.. another scouring of the internet and I have learned a ton about liver disease.
I have been a moderate drinker for years, mostly drinking 3-4 whiskeys in the evening. I never drank during the day. I did notice that I couldn't drink as much and that it was easier to have a small hangover in the morning. But I figured that was because I am getting older.
I'm going to get a full blood test and MRI to evaluate. However, I have scaled back my drinking to a couple of beers with a friend and no hard alcohol. I haven't had anything for the past 3 days and actually do feel better.
Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone?