Fatty liver is a normal part of aging. High triglycerides, alcohol use, medications - all of this adds up over time to affect the liver.
After a trip to ER and admitted for pancreatitis, I learned about my liver.
Ignorance and "normal lab results" combined to leave me shocked to find stage 4 liver fibrosis / cirrhosis threatening my life expectancy. Hindsight is 20/20 as I look at symptoms (like fatigue) that could have been caused by any number of other reasons.
Most PCP's are NOT liver specialists, and look to the lab results to determine course of action and treatment plans. The Fibroscans are rare, not found at just any hospital. Many general practitioners do not even know about them!
Get your MELD score if you have been lucky enough to find out that you have advanced liver disease, and work closely with your PCP to get referrals to a Gastroenterologist that has a Fibroscan available.
We all know the rest - dont drink, livers can heal, etc. There is no "cure" but a liver transplant will keep you near the transplant hospital, at least alive for a couple few more years. Maybe there will be treatment made available during that time.