Gallbladder pain : On the waiting list... - British Liver Trust

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Gallbladder pain

Melissaf96 profile image
26 Replies

On the waiting list to have my gallbladder removed & the drs have given me morphine to help with the pain (which isn’t working) has anyone got any tips to help ease pain

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Melissaf96 profile image
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26 Replies

Hey, I’ve been though the horrors of this over the last 10 months. I’m going to be honest I didn’t take painkillers as I have bad reaction to them and a phobia about them so it wasn’t a good time as you can imagine.

I would say the pain was less if I ate very plain food. For months all I ate was boiled veg and a bit of potatoes, I don’t eat meat else I would have had something else like plain chicken.

I couldn’t touch anything with any kind of spice what’s so ever, not even pepper and especially not vinegar or acidic foods and drinks. I only drank water.

My gallbladder was inflamed and I suppose it’s like putting anything acidic or spicy onto something inflamed, it will sting and flare up.. Even a slice of Pizza landed me in A&E.

Hoping this helps in some way, and if you need any more help or advice or have any questions I’m here. X

Petart44 profile image

I had Gallstones years ago and was given a dietary sheet of what I could have. I mainly remember having to stay away from fatty/processed foods, anything that was pastry based and couldn`t have honey as they all caused me to be in excruciating pain. Ended up in hospital for 5 days just because I had a pie for my lunch, that`s when they found I had gallstones. Had my gallbladder removed 8 months later and never had an issue since.

Hope this helps, good luck with it all. I know how painful it can be.

in reply to Petart44

Yes fats... a huge no no.. even chocolate 😬...

Melissaf96 profile image
Melissaf96 in reply to Petart44

I have cut fat out my diet and every time I eat I’m worried in case it kicks off. I had my appendix removed a month ago & they won’t operate soon because I’ve not long been put under. Absolute nightmare

Petart44 profile image
Petart44 in reply to Melissaf96

I know how you feel, it`s awful waiting on a procedure to go ahead especially a big one like you are waiting for but it will be worth it in the end. I felt so much better after I had my Gallbladder removed. Just keep doing what the doctor`s have advised to ease the pain and hopefully they get you booked in soon. Look after yourself and stay safe 🥰

Melissaf96 profile image
Melissaf96 in reply to Petart44

Thank you, cannot wait to be pain free

in reply to Melissaf96

Hi Melissa just wondering did you have low right abdo pain as well as upper right abdomen pain ? It’s just that I have both I’ve got gallstones but scans show my appendix is fine yet the pain is there everyday x

Melissaf96 profile image
Melissaf96 in reply to

Hi I was experiencing lower right abdominal pain which sent me to a&e and at first they said it could be a grumbling appendix but then it was happening all the time and my appendix was ruptured. However since having my appendix out I’m still getting lower right abdominal pain which feels like a gallstone attack xx

in reply to Melissaf96

Thanks for replying I wonder if mine is grumbling lol it’s strange how your still getting the pain there tho as gallbladder is higher up , now I’m wondering if gallstones can cause pain lower down I’m bloody baffled 😕 x

Redmouse profile image

I’ve been prescribed Codeine, which works when it becomes really excruciating. The rest of the time I am taking paracetamol every 6 hours. Keeping topped up with a painkiller seems to be working for the moment. I also find a hot water bottle helps a bit. Sleep on your left side if you can. I’m avoiding anything fatty or processed and eating a high fibre diet. Spice seems to be OK. Anything with melted cheese sends me straight to A&E.

Bbbhddd profile image
Bbbhddd in reply to Redmouse

Could have written this myself!!Hot water bottle, laying on left side, no cheese.

Diagnosed a year ago and still waiting got op :’(

Hi Melissa I have the same the doctors told me to use buscopan it stops the gallbladder from contracting which causes the pain I also use a hot water bottle . Avoid dairy and fizzy drinks and spicy foods and drink lots warm water it keeps the bile thin x

Longtooth6 profile image
Longtooth6 in reply to

Poor thing. I have had them for years, but only have severe pain intermittently. I see a homeopath, and use 2 remedies, and when l have an attack , l take them and lie on my left side and wait. I believe there is advice on line, homeopath 24/7, and the remedy l use is chelodonium. My problem is a stone in the bile duct. I did a liver flush which moved one, but seek advice on that! Remedies are available from Helios, who can also give you advice. Good luck.

in reply to Longtooth6

My gallbladder is rammed with stones they said in a and e would only remove it if infected !! X

Longtooth6 profile image
Longtooth6 in reply to

Keep to a diet , no fat, chicken,fish, lots of apples, home made vegetable soups, white carbs to a minum, plant based milk, etc. Do try a homeopath. It may save you lots of suffering. X

Bbbhddd profile image
Bbbhddd in reply to

I have been to a&e 6 times so far. 3 of those times my infection markers were raised. I got sent home with antibiotics :(

in reply to Bbbhddd

I’ve lost count of all the attacks I’ve had now they are putting me on the list for removal I don’t know if gallstones affect rest of digestive system but my bowels have been suffering for couple years too !! X

Julie240780 profile image
Julie240780 in reply to

I had really bad attacks of gallstones about 3 years ago i kept going to a&e they kept sending me home with codeine for the pain.My gp sent me for ultrasound which confirmed alot of gallstones so i was referred to have the operation but i had to wait 4 months, i did as i was told avoided spiy food, fizzy drinks, coffee, any fatty foods, i don't eat meat so avoiding that wasn't a problem, any dairy products.

I continued having attacks everyday which were excruciating but would subside after about 30 mins or so.

The last time i had an attack it didn't subside for 2 hours my partner at the time called an ambulance i was rushed in examined all whilst in massive amounts of pain.

I was then transferred to another hospital to be an inpatient they did another scan as my skin was turning yellow they said before the scan that i would most probably be going home that day with antibiotics and codeine.......but that didn't happen the discovered that some of the stones had travelled to my pancreas so they did some bloods aswel and came to the conclusion i also had pancresites i was extremely ill by this time they gave me a few drips with fluids, antibiotics, morphine and paracetamol.

The next day i underwent an operation to remove my gallbladder it was successful.

Then they put a tube and camera down my throat (i was fully awake horrible 🤮) to try and remove the stones from my pancreas unfortunately that was unsuccessful, so they had to operate to remove the stones which was successful.

After all this i stayed in hospital for 2 weeks until the infection had gone.

They said if i hadn't gone to hospital that night i could have died 😱

So yes the stones can travel, so if you aren't right and in alot of pain for a long time please, please, please go to your local A&E as quick as possible xx

in reply to Julie240780

Hi you’ve been through a lot I’ve no idea why they are so reluctant to put people on the list for removal now once it’s full of stones the gallbladder doesn’t work anyway so no point it staying there . Can’t believe they kept sending you home !!! And your right sometimes anything you eat can start it off I’ve resigned myself to tap water and dust 🤣x

Julie240780 profile image
Julie240780 in reply to

I didn't even know what was happening i don't think A&E did either i only found out when my GP sent me for a scan.Can't believe the made me wait so long so that i was an inch from death.

But i am fine now, took me about 6 months to fully recover.

Hope it all goes well for you x

in reply to Julie240780

I’m glad your better now you’ve got rid of the critter I’m hoping not to be waiting years for it to happen as your ordeal sounds horrific x

Melissaf96 profile image
Melissaf96 in reply to

I’ve cut out all fat, dairy and fizzy drinks and no matter what I eat it still kicks off. Gonna try giving buscopan another go x

in reply to Melissaf96

If it gets too bad go to accident and emergency as no painkillers will touch the pain during a massive attack you might get lucky and they may take it out . Is yours inflamed ? X

Melissaf96 profile image
Melissaf96 in reply to

Yeah the doctors said it’s inflamed & my inflammation marker is high, if it gets any worse I’ll go a&e

in reply to Melissaf96

Hope your pain goes soon it is a nightmare x

Hi Melissa,

You may find our publication on gallstones useful;

If your pain is worsening please do contact your own doctors for safe advice.

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