I noticed i have some small areas of Telangiectasia (small broken blood vessels) the side of my abdomen. I have them on my ankles and thighs long time, but just recently noticed them on my abdomen. However, i did an mistake and googled about telangiectasias on abdomen and got pretty bad result about liver cirrhosis (and some other much more rare diseases). Now i am worried, yet i have no other symptoms: no yellow skin, no nausea, no vomiting, no pain, no lack of appetite (quite opposite), no fatigue, probably no ascites (i have some belly fat long time, but i don't feel any discomfort), no fever. I have no drinking problem, i don't smoke since 2006, however i am overweight male, aged 48. Is it possible i just have them without any disease? Dr. Google is merciless about it. PS: i am uninsured, would be hard to me to run several costly test if it happens to be just an cosmetic thing....
Telangiectasia sides of abdomen - British Liver Trust
Telangiectasia sides of abdomen
Telangiectasias, also known as spider veins, are small dilated blood vessels that can occur near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, measuring between 0.5 and 1 millimeter in diameter. These dilated blood vessels can develop anywhere on the body but are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks and chin. Dilated blood vessels can also develop on the legs, although when they occur on the legs, they often have underlying venous reflux or "hidden varicose veins". When found on the legs, they are found specifically on the upper thigh, below the knee joint and around the ankles.
These are common and totally different than the spider angioma which you probably read about since it is these when they occur on the torso it can be indicative of liver issues. Totally different things.
A spider angioma or spider naevus is a type of telangiectasis found slightly beneath the skin surface, often containing a central red spot and reddish extensions which radiate outwards like a spider's web. They are common and may be benign, presenting in around 10–15% of healthy adults and young children. However, having more than three spider angiomas is likely to be abnormal and may be a sign of liver disease. It also suggests the probability of esophageal varices.
This is NOT what you have in your photograph - spider angioma is so called because it looks like a spider in that it has the central body and then lots of thin legs leading off.
If you are concerned at all about any changes to your body you should get checked out. A word of caution on you mentioning that you are over weight. The fastest growing cause of liver disease in the western world just now is Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease - a build up of fat in the liver often but not always being caused by being over weight, poor diet and insufficient exercise. It might be worth checking out NAFLD and and just making some lifestyle adjustments as a precautionary measure. britishlivertrust.org.uk/in...
And what if you have thin veins around nose area is that a sign of cirrhosis
Not necessarily, I've replied to your other post. More likely rosacea which can be caused by drinking amongst other things.
Did you have any further investigation? I have very similar progressive number of these. GP unconcerned, even though I get cramping pain in the area also.