I've just been diagnosed with gallstones about 2 months ago wasn't in pain but this passed 2 weeks ive been having severe stomach pains, how to I stop the pain
Stomach pain with gallstones - British Liver Trust
Stomach pain with gallstones

When I had it there wasn’t anything to stop the pain. I found a hot water bottle helped and laying stretched out on my front. You need to eat very bland foods, no fatty or spicy food! Have they spoken about removing the gallbladder x
Yes, I agree with Banni07,a hot water bottle did help. I couldn't stretch out I had sit on a chair and bend over or lie on a bed curled up . The only thing that stopped it completely was having it removed in October 1985 at the grand old age of 20!! What has your Dr/ consultant said about having it removed?
Take care and stay safe Lynne
The only thing that helped me was a hot water bottle. I have been in and out of hospital with this for 3 weeks and every 4 hours they gave me 2 paracetamol and a coedine. If your in a lot of pain ring your gp and get back to the hospital because gull stone pain never fully goes and I understand the agony!
Hot water bottle is a great help x
Good morning percysnooper,
I am sorry to hear you are unwell.
I strongly suggest if you have persistant or worsening pain that you seek medical advice. Your GP in the first instance or NHS 111 out of hours.
Take care,
Hi Percysnooper
So sorry to hear your having pain from your recently diagnosed gallstones!
Firstly, may I say don't panic , I was diagnosed in 2010 with multiple stones, unfortunately for me my scan report disappeared into cyberspace and was not informed that my gallbladder was to be removed! In 2015 after things got much worse my gallbladder was sucessfully removed as an emergency priority!
My advice to you is to eat no fatty or fried foods, only eat small amounts of cheese or none at all. Sometimes curries with lots of oil can increase your pain..
I'm trying my best not to teach you suck eggs as the saying goes as you may be a healthly person!
Also some doctors forget to tell you after your forthcoming operation is to keep to a healthy eating plan for life ...I.mean life!
I'll make this quiet clear that I'm no expert in this field of gallstones but I do have three friend's now suffering 2 years after there operation's from eating rich foods and gaining weight!
I agree with the trust if your pain persists and is unbearable then call your GP or even better contact your consultants PA for advice.
Remember eating healthy can reduce pain systems !'
Take care my friend! I wish you well!
ShropshireLass x
I have recently been diagnosed with gallstones too and been told various things. I didn't find anything relieved the pain. You must speak to your team regarding pain relief, as I have been told different things for each attack. The only dietary advice I had was from my GP when I asked. Basically stick to a low fat diet. Avoid fried foods and full fat dairy. (Yoghurt, chocolate, milk etc)Having said that, I have done that and still had the attacks, so removal is being discussed for me. Good luck😕