I admit i have been drinking a while since my visit to dubai. Its been 2 weeks now and all of a sudden i felt dumb pain in liver side area it comes and goes with watery stool the next morning of my last alcohol night since then passed yellow poop hard like sausages but i am concerned about that dumb pain noticed every hour once or twice and that yellow colored poop i was diagnosed with fatty liver due to alcohol abuse earlier 2 years back. What should i do.
Yellow poop with dumb pain in liver ar... - British Liver Trust
Yellow poop with dumb pain in liver area after continuous drinking for over 2 weeks

Take a stool sample to your gp and get it tested it may be an infection, but don't ignore it
We would suggest to see your own doctors and discuss your symptoms with them, they could test your faeces and also look at your liver function.
You could also discuss your alcohol use and get some support and guidance to address this or your liver disease may only get worse.
Here is our publication on Alcohol and liver disease for you to read;
Best wishes
If you were diagnosed 2 years ago with fatty liver you shouldnt have been drinking at all since that point. It can only have encouraged further damage. What is done is done and there is no judgment here only advice my friend. Get to your doctor and tell them everything in full. Id ask for an ELF test. It is a simple blood draw test and is very accurate at seeing if the liver state has worsened at all. The doctor can also check for other reasons that may not be liver related regarding the yellow poop as well. Please let us know how your doing both liver related and not moving forward!
Thanks every one for your advices phoneixPalazzo i was actually instructed to have not more than 120ml in 3 days well i definitely crossed that my sgot was 30 and sgpt was 78 3 months back but yesterday i got it checked and it came out to be sgot 234 and sgpt 212 i could feel a little sharp pain under my right ribs since three days things were fine i was on juices and complete veggies and fruits diet but all of a sudden todays morning i had eggs and in return i noticed yellow colored poop with a part of clay color in it. The doctor said its fatty liver and asked me to stop continuous drinking as it did 14 days continuos drinking. Any suggestions i could bring to change my health i even suffer with thyroid and it leads to ibs sometimes
Fair enough and that isnt your fault that the doctor told you that was ok. Why doctors tell people with fatty liver that any amount of alcohol is ok is absurd. It can definately exacerbate the problem. The fact that they know its possible to harm you further should equal a no in any case especially as an example in cases where the fatty liver is caused by alcohol. It can be completely reversed and "cured" with abstinence. Im guessing the doctor was a GP?
I remember getting out of the hospital with a bad case of alcoholic hepatitis. On ultrasound I was noted as only having a fatty liver at that time. My GP said it was still ok to drink in moderation. I thought that was crazy considering I was just in the hopsital with alcoholic hep. When I told my liver specialist about it she was furious.
My suggestions are to get some tests done to check for any other possible underlying liver diseases to make sure. Otherwise all one can do is stay off the alcohol and eat a healthy diet. These 2 things alone dont sound like much but there are amazing strides that can occur from just changing those things.
The clay colour is concerning as it is often suggestive of bile duct blockages or occlusions. If it continues keep the doctor informed of it. Liver disease and Gastrointestinal issues go hand in hand. So how much of these issues is related to the liver and how much of it is unrelated is still something to be investigated. IBS is a very vague almost idiopathic diagnosis. Its almost what they call any GI problem that they cant pinpoint the cause of. Some things will improve with lifestyle change somethings may remain but improve. Its often difficult to deduce if or not something is directly related to the liver or if its not concerning GI issues. That being said your thyroid can potentially play a role here as well.
Sounds like your pushing in the right direction. Keep it up. These things take time in the best of circumstances. If your ever feeling down and out about any of it, this forum is all about helping each other keep it together. Best of wishes always.
Hello every one. I appreciate all your replies and suggestions. Well to be honest i am so pleased to inform you that i investigated my liver problems ibs poop issues and fatty liver etc etc with a hint of anxiety as well last couple of months were dramatic and horrific but this day is the best day of my life as i met a gastro and he asked me to visit his clinic and you wont believe i met him at a bar as i was fedup with all this. He asked me and i went to his clinic. Well here comes the surprise he did an endoscopy and found the culprit which was h pylori he even discovered ulcers and erosions in my food pipe he asked me to take 15 days heavy antibiotic medication and after a month my alt status was so good from 234 and 179 it came back to miraculously 32 and 19 which was unbelievable i went to him and prayed lord to give him prosperity coz this person changed my life he explained to me how h pylori effects liver intestines stomach lining and all. Hence i would suggest all patients or peoplesuffering with liver problems do go for an endoscopy and h pylori test. God bless you all
I've had Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection - Symptoms. It was obviously working on me for sometime and had been picked up during GP routine blood test. However I didn't ring for results and they didn't contact me as they don't.
Spoiled a day trip in Dublin. I was sick as a dog.
Serious 🤮
Hi dpkjry
Thanks for bringing attention to h pylori.
Great to hear that fate took a hand in your case.
Glad to hear that life is good for you now and long may it continue.
All good wishes.