My husband is 40 and is a carrier for Hemachromotosis, one gene. They checked his iron labs and his Ferritin was elevated. Liver ultrasound so that all organs are normal but the liver. Liver is normal size, flow is good and portal vein is fine but the report read: Course Echotexture, increased echotexture and fatty liver. Bloodwork is fine. Four years ago his liver enzymes were in the 100s but went back to normal six months later. Not further issues. He is maybe ten pounds overweight and drinks occasionally. We met with a GI that will be having him do an MRI. He said it looks like fatty liver but cannot tell from ultrasound. Have any of you had anything read “course echotexture or increased echotexture” and had it not be cirrohis? He is going to get in and see if they can take out blood to get his Ferritin down.
Liver ultrasound? Course Echotexture? - British Liver Trust
Liver ultrasound? Course Echotexture?

A course echo texture does not mean that he has cirrhosis. He may have fibrosis and the amount of fibrosis as well as fat in his liver can be measured with a FibroScan. Having blood drawn should reduce his ferritin level.
My ferritin level has always been raised but only mildly so for unknown reasons. The normal range is 30 - 300 ug/L and mine is usually between 350 and 550 ug/L. I don't have hemochromatosis. When a liver is inflamed ferritin level tends to rise especially in men. If I live a healthy lifestyle avoiding liver stressors such as painkillers and alcohol my ferritin level can get down close to normal but it's never been normal.
Welcome to the forum where you will be able to get advice and support from others with experience of liver disease. However, this is not a medical forum and none of the members are qualified to diagnose or give specific medical advice.
Users are advised to NOT post test results, scans or photos and request an interpretation from other members. This is clearly stated in the guidelines to both this forum and Health unlocked. Test results vary according to both the individual’s whole health and the specific laboratory / medical team analysing the results. To avoid misinterpretation and undue concerns, results can only properly be understood by a qualified medical practitioner with full knowledge of your unique medical history and circumstances.
Please don’t be discouraged from using the forum as there are members with a great deal of understanding and knowledge of living with liver disease as a patient or carer. They will be able to give you the benefit of that experience with understanding and empathy that can only come from those with first hand involvement.
We would suggest to discuss the Ultrasound with the consultant in charge of your husbands care
Best wishes.

I am sorry, I won’t post further scans. He has an MRI in two days.
Please keep us posted and good luck