Hi all,
Hopefully someone can advise. I have routine yearly blood tests, last year my liver ALT Reading was at 13 and this year it’s shot up to 41. I’m a 25 year old slim Male.
I spoke to the urologist today over the phone and that’s how I heard about it - he told me it’s nothing to be worried about, I think he could still hear from the tone of my voice that I was worried and he then told me he isn’t just saying that to make me happy haha. Despite this I am still slightly worried, I’ve never had liver issues before, my checkups are for other conditions from birth.
What I want to know is:
- is it normal for them to raise that much within a year? (I’ve been in lockdown the last 3 months, almost no exercise, which I will change soon but as I mentioned I’m very slim, hardly have fat on me - could this affect the reading?)
-Can ALT readings decrease?
- Do ALT Readings fluctuate a lot? For example if I was to have another blood test tomorrow could the test come back with lower ALT reading than the one last week?
- on the same day about 10 minutes before the blood test this year I had an ultrasound, I held a very full bladder before the blood test, Would this have had an impact?
Sorry if these questions are ridiculous, I just get so anxious when it comes to my health ahhhhh.
Hopefully someone can shed some light