Thank you to everyone for your reply’s after talking with my doctor I have my letter . Anyone waiting for their letter should do the same.
High risk: Thank you to everyone for... - British Liver Trust
High risk

Hi Gromet
Just clicked into your profile, I cannot find your previous message or replies , do you think cyber had them for breakfast? Lol

Trish - he posted another thread with the same title but his name in that one was “grommet” - two m’s.
Had to go looking 😀!
Cheers! Miles , thought I was loosing it as I'd written to him before! 👍

Thought I was too. Lol being stuck indoors. xx

Well it’s a novel approach to Profile naming - but I can hardly talk, twosmiles, angus, cloudynow, and I’m sure there were more
Brain fog ! Don't remember Angus? Once had a kind friend called the same so like the name 😊
That’s good then gromet! 👍
Hi Gromet just had look on your previous message and there is nothing there? Looks like you have not written anything? And your profile does not say anything! So I am sorry I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain I have had no letter. Many Thanks. Hope your doing ok Anna
Hope you are as well as can be expected. I've not got a letter yet. I phoned my surgery who said you need to on gov. UK site, I did this and I had to fill in a form which then said I would probably get a food parcel,which I didn't think I would need because my husband works full time, this was last night, I tried to get in touch but they'd gone home. I will try and get in touch again today, if not I will phone on Monday. I got in touch with someone in Saturday and she said they phone before bringing any parcel so at least that's sorted. She said phone council on Monday. At the end, of the form it said get in touch with your GP, receptionist said there's still loads to come out yet so she wouldn't let me speak to GP!! Sorry for long post!!! I will post another thread when I've been in touch with the council. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘

Lynne I have not received a letter either! I live in Wales so it’s different down here. Can’t register online but does say on there website I should stay in for 12 weeks. I have got decompensated cirrhosis and my kidney not 100% and a very enlarged spleen varices and portal hypertension. And my platelet count is extremely low. So I don’t know what to do. But I am taking my own advice and staying in. My son his a career for dementia patients and other conditions and works in a 120 bed nursing home. But he lives with me I am absolutely petrified when he comes home he is working nearly every day 12 hour shifts. But he has no were els to live. It’s a catch 22. They are very slow down here. Hope your ok lynne thinking of you and everyone who is suffering love and hugs to you thank you for always being there for me. We are all in this together. Anna xxx
You are very welcome. So, it's watch this space!! Take care and stay safe. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘
Ho brightstar15,
Think Scotland and Wales were later with their letters,im in Scotland and we recieved ours tuesday. I phoned surgery for something thursday (not coronavirus related) and it must have shown on my file because they knew i was shielding. I think it is maybe your consultant you should contact
I live in Scotland and got a letter yesterday. No mention of shielding but it was dated 25th March and I am not sure shielding had been invented back then !
The letter is very vague, just lists all the high risk conditions - age, pregnancy, cancer, immunosuppressed etc and says if you think any of these might apply to you, self-isolate or social distance. Not very useful at all really.
Hey up!
Jacobsmum - I got my shielded letter on the 21st March - well it’s dated 21st March but I got very soon afterwards. It was from my GP - but it basically regurgitates
Should you be in the Shielded category?
I don't think I should be in the Shielding category as Liver nurse told me it would only apply if I was decompensated which I currently am not. I thought the letters were only going to very high risk people who needed to shield, not to people who are vulnerable. I guess I naively expected to get a personal letter advising me exactly what category I am in and what I should be doing.
Anyway, I haven't been anywhere for two weeks now and am lucky enough to have my own paddock to walk my dogs in so will just carry on like this until the situation changes. Stay safe Miles x
Shielding was introduced in UK on 21st March however Scotland only started actioning info from 24th.
If you think you have a condition that makes you extremely vulnerable or you have received a letter from NHS Scotland, you’re strongly advised to shield yourself to reduce your chance of getting coronavirus (COVID-19).
Trying to get the link to work.
minimise all non-essential contact with other members of their household
Spare room?
Hi jacobsmum24,
The one i got was from Scotland government, it was very detailed, (9 pages)explaining what i need to be doing and contacts to arrange help it needed. It also gives a list of the conditions that are in the shielding category. As far as i know other categories are not getting letters but different counties may do things differently. Everyone has to be very vigilant in this scary time.
Yip plain old cirrhosis doesn't count. Aren't I one of the lucky ones. 🤔
The President of the United States for weeks encouraged antisocial-nearing, telling everyone not to worry because the pandemic was under control and might just disappear. 🙄
Stay safe. 👍
Wouldn't say lucky.
Oh how we all wish it hadn't came to this and think it's gonna get worse before better. Its very scary. I do think the number of divorces after all this will rise and nine months from now there will be a baby boom . 😁

Feckle had his tongue in his cheek methinks 😑
The number of murders has certainly risen already, hasn’t it ... 😕. So good job there’ll be a baby boom then! Oh dear that’s not funny Miles 👎
I totally agree and so does my family!'
Plus more primary schools required in 5 years 9 months 🤣

I can see the divorce lawyers rubbing their hands together as we speak !

That's interesting. Mine came from the Gastroenterology unit at the hospital where my consultant is based and was a single page long. No links to help and support or to register for SMS Shielding so I assume I am not high enough risk to be in that category. I am anti-social at the best of times so self-isolating is suiting me just fine lol. Done some decorating, house is spotless and caught up on lots of reading. Stay safe x
Im hoping to talk hubby and daughter into helping to paint stairs, had paint since before Christmas 😱 😁
Good luck !
I had the same very ambigious. Lists three groups. Transplant. Liver disease especially with bleeding and autoimmune hepatitus. I have pbc another tyoe if auto immune which isnt mentioned. The letter came from the gastro unit and started ig you dont come to clinic with liver ussues ignore this letter!!!
I must be missing something because i cant make that out at all. Not sure if it's that i dont get the humour or its a joke im not privy to.

angel - you aren’t the only one, I haven’t a clue what feckle is on about....he likes his riddles but that one is , well it just is, unintelligible. Not by me anyhow, nor by you either so that makes me feel better 👍.
From the film "Taken" lead role played by Liam Neeson actor Northern Ireland. When his daughter is kidnapped he phones the bad guy's & quoted something very similar. As amended by me. Joke?
There's an Corona take on social media "Stay at home..." or else. I will kick your arse.🙄
Maybe you didn't get the accent. Or I need to get out.😜

You definitely need to get out more 😀....oh wait aren’t allowed to.....🙁.
Just think what you’re going to be like after three months of this 🙁. Just think what any of us are going to be like 😩.
Ah well, I saw a plane yesterday - honestly! 😀.
It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman
No it's Cabin Fever 😜

No it’s a DRONE

Hi everyone. Finally communication re shielding for my hubby.
Still no letter from guv.
But received email from Asda saying he has been identified by Guv as vulnerable.
Giving us a priority slot for orders to he delivered to door at no delivery costs.
Said would get a regular weekly slot.
Then received confirmation that i can
begin to place my orders.
We didn't get a letter instead hubby gets texts from the NHS
I registered him on the vulnerable list the other week
It's all so confusing. My Consultant said over the phone via the Liver Disease Nurse Specialist that I am high risk. My Employer - an NHS Trust - said yes, I am HIGH risk but not VERY high risk and their advice is to ignore the Government advice because it's "probably out of date" and to go with my Line Manager's advice!!!! I've never had a letter either from anyone. And my Consultant's Secretary said they couldn't put anything in writing for me either.
Hi beautysmum
That is a ridiculous thing to say - the info is being updated all the time when applicable so I find it hard to believe it’s that out of date tbh. Have you spoken to your GP? That is where the really important messages for me came from....
Good luck
Letter arrived yesterday