Hi all has any body recieved a letter from the NHS about being high risk of the corona virus causing problems. I have hereditary haemacromatosis liver cihhrosis, accites .plurel effusion,oesophageal varacies,portal hypertension,portal vein thrombus type2 diabetes.should i have got a letter? Thanks in advance if anyone could enlighten me
High risk: Hi all has any body recieved... - British Liver Trust
High risk

Hi. I previously posted that we got the letter on Saturday but have also received numerous text messages. Hope this helps.
Hi Grommet
If you think you fall into one of the categories of extremely vulnerable people you should discuss your concerns with your GP or hospital clinician.
You may find the following link useful: gov.uk/government/publicati...
Very best wishes.
No still waiting .hubby post liver transplant. Signed on to gov.uk for vulnerable. Nothing from there either.
Hello, yes I received my letter last Friday.
Hi .... Some of the letters are taking there time I believe . I’d suggest to call your consultant just to check if you are on the list.
My letter, and others, came from the GP practice - might be a quicker way to an answer than the Consultant?
I have - Auto Immune Hepatitis and taking immuno suppressants.
I received my letter yesterday xx
My husband received his from NHS England and had it over a week ago - he is post transplant
I received my letter this morning, I am 4 yrs post transplant and 70 yrs old in June. Received other letters this week cancelling other medical appointments at various hospitals including QEHB
I had my letter over a week ago. I have Auto immune hepatitis and take immune suppression drug Azathioprine.
I haven’t got one either. Don’t worry your help will just come from a different source!!!!