Is there anyone who has cirrhosis and has started to heal or reverse some of the damage? I really need to hear something positive if there is anything.
I am feeling really anxious and like I have been given a death sentence and left to deal with it myself.
In February I had my gall bladder removed as was getting pain in my right side. They said I had a 2.2cm stone but I was not convinced this was the cause of my pain as my mother & husband had had really bad bouts of excruciating pain when their gall bladders had problems but mine was more like a dull ache that was constantly there and sometimes worse when taking a deep breath. After an op to remove the gall bladder I ended up in ICU as I had a bleed from a severed artery. When the consultant finally came to see me a couple of days later he told me my liver looked very bad so he took a biopsy. He really scared me by his tone and I asked if it was cancer and he said no. I was then called a couple of weeks later with the results and he told me over the phone that I had NASH cirrhosis, that I needed to see a liver specialist and to look it up on the internet. I later received a letter with this diagnosis which was sent to my GP. I finally got a letter from the NHS to see someone in July but after researching my diagnosis online I have been in a state of complete shock and frightened beyond belief. I am trying to stay positive but am finding this difficult so much so that I have now gone to a private liver specialist who because of the Corona Virus pandemic is going to do a consultation with me on the telephone. I am so confused as blood tests have never shown anything abnormal and in January my liver function was good. I dont think I have any symptoms, am on no medication, do not know if my eyes are yellow (hubby says not!) but I know this has been caused because I am overweight and have been for a while. He also told me that losing weight quickly last year and then putting a lot of it back on again could have made this worse. The diets to follow online are so conflicting I just dont know what to do? Sorry about this long post.
If anyone has any ideas what I should ask my liver specialist please can you let me know asap? Many thanks to you all and for all your posts with so much information and help with all your posts.