Anxiety and self-isolation: It's a tough... - British Liver Trust

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Anxiety and self-isolation

12 Replies

It's a tough time for everyone right now.

Our Scotland Project Manager and cognitive behavioural therapist, Amy, has shared her really useful tips on coping with anxiety and self-isolation.

We hope you find them helpful:

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12 Replies
davianne profile image

Many thanks Trust8, I'm sure many of us on here will find it useful.👍👍


in reply to davianne

Yes, definitely

ThreeSmiles profile image

Good stuff - like to think I’m trying to do most of that! But of course it could be easy to lapse 👎.

alfredthegreat profile image

Very good tips.

I'm finding the gardening and the sunshine a big help. Getting out and getting exercise at the same time. The kitchen redecorating is saved for rainy and colder days and it's also a job that probably wouldn't have got started until autumn so that's a plus :-)

I have suffered with anxiety most my life and it can be difficult to cope with during normal times however with things such as they are at the moment it will add to the anxiety, at the current moment I have decided to decorate my flat not only for something to do but to also keep my mind occupied and I'm also enjoying it?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that at times such as these keeping the mind occupied is important. I have found this site a great place to visit with great friendly people and so much support for each other. I send you all my best at these trying times.

Oh and I can let you into a secret in the past I've always avoided decorating as I very much disliked it,,,,,oh well.

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Good for you Colin 👍 decorating - aaagh - glad to say, oddly, I haven’t been physically able to do anything like that for years. But then again there is a certain satisfaction when it’s you that has made the room look so good rather than someone else you have had to pay!

I think we are all looking for ways to keep our mind off the dreaded subject - but it’s so darn difficult to avoid on telly or the radio. I try and listen to Alexa “all 70s” because there’s no-one yattering on there! Trouble is now my wife sits in the same room trying to do work so it has become a bit of a No-No 😑.

Good luck in your endeavours 👍


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

Hi Colin.

You will I'm sure feel a huge sense of achievement when you have finished that decorating and especially if it's normally a job that's on the bottom of the list because you don't like doing it.

I have tidied up my garage and I can now work on my whole workbench instead of just on a corner of it :-) also spanners are with spanners, screwdrivers with screwdrivers etc etc and for the first time in years if I need a work tool then I can lay my hands on it within a couple of minutes instead of nipping to B&Q to buy another because it's so much quicker :-( :-(

Our homes will probably have never looked so good in a couple of months time :-) :-)

Best wishes.


in reply to alfredthegreat

Hi thanks for the reply yes even though I'm not a fan of decorating its coming along fine and does look so much better, I know what you mean about garages when I use to tidy mine I always said to myself once you use somthing put it away and in the end I never did and the bench ended up a complete mess again 🤨 I dont know if that's just me lol, even now while I'm decorating i put something down turn around to use it again and its dissappeared,,,,,,I'm sure there are little gremlins that do that, yesterday I spent half hour looking for my screwdriver then found it in my back pocket 😟 anyway good luck on your endeavors all my best colin.

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

It all sounds a very familiar story :-) :-)

Thank you Trust8 for sharing this !,

My savior's music and without I'm sure these pixie gremlins would penetrate my so called brain 👍

Chaz3125 profile image

I have written a list of things I need to do around the house. Decluttering and decorating as I go along. I can’t sit around for too long because I will just send my mind into overdrive. Thanks for positing this there are some fantastic ways to deal with your feelings x

in reply to Chaz3125

I know how you feel I find it so hard to sit around doing nothing I havent made a list as such but think that's a great idea and may compile on myself as I like to keep busy as a hobby I crochet and am currently working on a blanket but have run out of wool but I will get it finished anyway all my best to you colin.

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