Just to continue on the subject of Anxiety and Depression that I posted up earlier. I thought I’d add this snippet of news about a forthcoming online course from the people at “FutureLearn”.
Like others on here, I too completed the two liver subject courses run on “FutureLearn” by the University of Birmingham. These are “Liver Disease: Looking after Your Liver”: futurelearn.com/courses/liv... and “Liver Transplant: The ins and Outs: futurelearn.com/courses/liv... both these courses are free and involve just three hours a week for three weeks.
The other free course being run on “FutureLearn” by the University of Reading entitled “Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT”: futurelearn.com/courses/anx...
This is a five-week course with a weekly study of three hours a week. I have attached this video which should help to explain more about the course: youtu.be/c3VsadC39-Y
So, if you happen to have spare 3-hours a week for the next five weeks, and would like to try and understand and learn more about this condition then why not give it a go.
I’m going to give it a go, so why not join me.