Hello All, I hope that everyone is doing well! I just wanted to know how people are dealing with anxiety and stress post diagnosis as well as pre-diagnosis. How do we not let it get in our way of healing our body again? Most of us who have landed up here today have either bad anxiety to begin with, a toxic relationship or it can be sth else. I'm just referring to people with Alcohol related injuries! My father passed away unexpectedly no so long ago. It definitely did create lot of void in our family. Some times I just want to scream and other times I'm questioning the purpose of existence and life in general. I try to stay positive but definitely suffer from anxiety and stress in general. My understanding is that extra stress may cause additional inflammation in body or slow down the progress of healing or even regenerating.
I'm not sure if I can ask my GP to prescribe me anything which will calm me down.
I'm 36 year old male ...diagnosed with ALD..ALT & AST both were above 500 in October. Retested them in December and they both were well in normal range. ALP was still high at 134. Have not had a single drink since Oct 23. Major Symptoms include fatigue and sometimes red rashes across cheeks which look like butterfly rash. I do play tennis on the weekends so not sure how bad my fatigue is..On my next visit doctor I will be asking him to do tests for Auto Immune ..as well as Fibroscan so that I can a better diagnosis!