Hi, I have recently been tested with high GGT (155). I am a taxi driver and had my badge taken away. I can and will abstain from drinking until my levels are normal but I’ve heard some horrific things about DVLA taking away licence and making you wait until you are clear for 2 years or so. I have not informed them. Any advice?
Driving licence with high ggt - British Liver Trust
Driving licence with high ggt

Has it been proven your high ggt is due to alcohol.
My hubbie had high ggt. Doesnt drink.
Found to be due to a particular liver disease totally unrelated to alcohol.
Why on earth can't you drive with high GGT ? Who said that ? Mine hovers between 200-250 and has done for over 10 years, I don't drink alcohol and no cause found.
The DVLA use a test called the Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin Test (CDT) as others have stated GGT can be elevated in a several liver illnesses which are nothing to do with alcohol. The CDT test is purely a test used to look at alcohol use levels. drinkdriving.org/cdt-alcoho...
Perhaps your only telling part of your story!
High GGT would not be the only reason given to suspend your licence.
Insulin resistance and elevated GGT go hand in hand, it’s usually one of many markers used to predict early type 2 or cardiovascular diseases, inflammation causes a depletion of glutathione, which can cause the liver to breakdown and release GGT into the blood stream, elevations of this enzyme isn’t just alcohol related, other diseases of the body can elevate these numbers as well, best of luck!