Hello guys.. need your help
Has anyone experienced rising Liver enzyme levels after being stable for most of the time? I'm really worried. My SGPT is 322, SGOT is 267, GGT and ALP are also raised.
Hello guys.. need your help
Has anyone experienced rising Liver enzyme levels after being stable for most of the time? I'm really worried. My SGPT is 322, SGOT is 267, GGT and ALP are also raised.
Hi akanksha can I ask the reason for your transplant?..if you have an underlying condition going on that's not been treated could possibly cause the rise in your levels..or possibly your immunosuppression drugs might be needing looked at..or even some kind of infection can cause changes in bloods!
But I suggest you get to your consultant and ask for answers for this sudden increase in your LFT results as this needs a professional answer as to why this is happening!
Hi Ballie. Thank you so much for your reply. I got my liver transplant for Acute Encephalopathy due to Hepatitis A. Yes tomorrow I'm consulting my transplant physicians.
Hi akanksha hope you get to the bottom of why your bloods are showing some changes!
Hope it can be explained and sorted out.💕
Hi Ankanksha.
My liver transplant happened just over a year ago. Never much of a drinker, I picked up Hep C a couple of decades, maybe more, ago.
During a checkup for something else, that amounted to a false alarm, cancer was discovered in my liver. Turned out the only cure was a transplant. I was very lucky that it was discovered at all really.
Anyway, they cured my Hep C.
I didn’t even know a cure was available lol.
So, post transplant, and my enzyme levels were fluctuating all the time.
I actually didn’t know as no serious symptoms were present, got a bit jaundiced now and again but nothing major and I continued to heal well.
They put my enzyme anomaly down to a possible intermittent blockage around my bile duct and /or biliary tree.
So after various drugs were tried to no avail the next move was to have a nosey around via an ERCP procedure. I was sedated and off they went. When I came too there was absolutely no discomfort and a couple of stents had been inserted hoping to improve bile flow. For a time, around 3 months, this worked too. But stents can only stay in for about 2-3 months anyway and out they came via another ERCP and I was fine again for a while.
Cutting an already too long story short 😐😁 too late I know, I’ve been stented and unstented a couple more times since then all via ERCP and I can honestly say that at no time did I feel any discomfort during and after all ERCP procedures. They hold no fear for me at all.
Sorry, a long story I know but I hope this helps you Ankanksha.
Please let us know how you got on 🙏
Your story gives me hope PJmars. Thank you so much. Presently I have been advised to repeat LFT after 15 days as they are still doubtful if it's due to rejection or stricture! I feel stricture.. so might have to undergo ERCP after some days.