Well here I am again, not quite sure what I’m doing most of the time but still plodding along.
Dad has stage 4 cirrhosis and as most of you know comes with a whole host of problems. I feel slightly more at ease this week then I have. He had a fall 2 weeks ago out of bed, spent 41/2 hours waiting for an ambulance on the floor had a blood test and found out his potassium was incredibly low and was told to take him in as ambulance would be 6 hrs. Spent 6 hrs in A and E waiting for a doctor to see him at this point I was just about going mad. Kept him n to get his levels right. Discharged, The OT was amazing that come out to see him she sorted more out for me and my dad than anybody had done in months. Now has a hospital bed at home which makes life a lot easier got other things sorted out including incontience pads I’d been waiting months for.
He has no appetite, constantly shade of yellow, has HE, very tired, no strength. I was told palliative care isn’t available. So little old me is doing the best I can along with carers that if I’m honest aren’t exactly doing their job but nobody seems to care.
For anybody ploughing through this mind field I applaud you
Jo X