Hiya, I apologise in advance for my lack of knowledge but this is very new.
My dad has recently been diagnosed with decompensated liver disease cirrhosis. It all came to light the beginning of this year he’s been struggling for some time with different symptoms but it all came to a head just after the new year. My dad was admitted to hospital with ascites and fluid on the lungs ( he was in hospital for a week but they had no beds so he was being treated in a waiting area ) my dad was discharged which was an unsafe discharge ( I believe ) as he was still terribly poorly but sent home with mum to take care of him both of them had no idea what to do.
I phoned British liver trust and explained what was happened and he had the start of hepatic Encephalopathy and they told me all the right things to say to the doctors which the doctor dismissed and put his symptoms down to “anxiety” fast forward a week my dad had an appointment with the hepatologist who admitted him straight away and he deteriorated to start, his kidney function went down to 17% and his HE was worrying as he thought that people were watching him/ listening to him etc he was delusional and hallucinating. After a week he was then moved to the correct ward and the delusional and hallucinations have lessened but still there. The hospital are not sure if it’s an infection that’s caused this or if it’s alcohol related ( my dad hasn’t touched alcohol since he found out ) My dad was discharged Wednesday night just gone and due to not being able to walk right now an ambulance was called before he stepped foot in the door due to falling and hitting his head hard enough to cause two big bumps and deep cuts. My dad went back to A&E via ambulance who said it was an unsafe discharge and he needs to be assessed by the OT.
my dad came home Thursday morning via an ambulance with support getting in the house and the OT came out to assess what he needed.
My dad is on rifaximin, lactolus , 2 types of diuretics , has been receiving albumin and a couple others I’m not sure of the names I’m sorry.
my concerns are my dad isn’t eating a great deal as it’s making him feel quite sick he’s not sleeping either and both of these things have been the same since December 2024. The doctors are aware of the lack of food and the lack of sleep but don’t seem to be all that bothered. My mums really trying to get him to eat but it’s hard for him to manage he’s trying little bits like crackers or he’ll have 1 ensure drink. He’s really weak at the moment and I’m not sure if that’s due to the liver disease or the lack of nutrition . He’s meant to have a dietitian but this hasn’t happened yet and I will be contacting someone tomorrow to see if we can get that in place. My dad is still showing signs of confusing he’s not entirely sure what day it is but he can hold a conversation but seems to get quite distressed while speaking.
I guess I’m looking for hope as well as advice.
we as a family are clueless as what to expect. My dad has an appointment on the 27th to review him.
I’m sorry this is quite a long read I’m just so lost at the moment.
thank you.