Short story, hospitalised over a year ago with jaundice and ascites due to alcoholism, considered de compensated cirrhosis, original fibro scan read 22.2kpa, now it’s 9 and I’m considered to have fibrosis and not cirrhosis although my liver is obviously scarred and my doctor is quite honest when he said who knows right now unless they removed my liver and looked at it under a microscope, but as far as a fibro scan result goes and my bloods, it appears I may have gotten off lightly. Not that I take that all for granted, I will remain sober for the rest of my days and try and protect my liver diet wise as best as I can.
As soon as I got out of hospital I started getting spider nevi (i didn’t even know what they were at first), just one on my upper arm, now I have 5. They are painless and my doctor doesn’t seem concerned. I asked if I have portal hypertension which is considered a factor behind these things, but he said no. My bloods don’t suggest it and I assume the fibro-scans and one ultra sound scan suggests I don’t. Although I do have another US tomorrow.
But here I am with these pesky things. I’ve read so many conflicting things on cirrhosis and liver disease and most point to spider nevi as being a symptom of cirrhosis and of course portal hypertension which seems to go hand in hand together. My doctor doesn’t seem to understand mine and hinted it could be down to the alcohol abuse. I’m just wondering does anyone else on here have any?
Is it a symptom of liver disease in general and not just cirrhosis and not always indicative of portal hypertension? I also have Terry’s nails I think. Again I was less to believe that was a sign of cirrhosis too, but a few heavy drinkers I know who don’t have cirrhosis seem to have them. I’m not looking for medical advice, I’m just curious and while they are hardly noticeable at all to anyone who sees me, in fact they aren’t, they are to me and it does irk me somewhat regarding the whole thing around them and what they may or may not mean.
Have a good evening all!