Recently Diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis - British Liver Trust

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Recently Diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis

zvhipp profile image
4 Replies

Hi All, Unfortunately my father is diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis 3 weeks back. He is diabetic since last 17 years. He never really had alcohol. Recently during our small family vacation, his legs had swelling - which often appeared during travelling due to legs hanging but disappeared after a night of rest. This time it didn't disappear and also his stomach seemed bloated even though he didn't eat that much since year. I mentioned this to his diabetes doctor couple of time after which he finally paid attention to his belly and told that this seems related to liver (earlier he felt it may be due to Kidney). He sent us for a water taping and asked us to see the Liver Specialist.

Me and my father went for the taping where near 3 ltr of fluid drained out of his belly. They did many other blood and urine tests. His Albumin is 2.8 and Globulin is 3.2. Serum bilirubin is 1.52, Hemoglobin is 10.5. Serum Creatinine 1.8, ALT AST is 64 & 42. Sonogram report showed liver measuring 10.4cm (Little Shrunken) mild calavicular line with mild altered echotexture and mild surface irregularity. No Mass Lesion detected, Portal Vein and Porta Hepatis show no abnormality. Other numbers are near or within range. We also went for endoscopy and he had to get his esophageal varies banded. He is due for the 2nd round on 14th this month.

We took an opinion of 3 doctors throughout and none so far able to tell why this happened to him as his Hepatitis reports are negative too. Currently just given tablet of Microliv Forte for Liver and Vitamins. I asked doctors about the further test to find out condition of liver and cause however they said that we will do that after month once banding of varies is done. I asked them what if liver condition worsens till then? They said, don't worry it takes years for it. I am quite confused. We are following strict low sodium diet. He is also given Albumen Care Powder to be taken in milk to raise his Albumin level. He feels OK but same time little weak as salt is restricted.

We live in India and unfortunately Doctors here are all about Money. They are treating the symptoms but not looking at the cause of the symptoms from beginning and treat the cause itself.

I just want healthy and long happy life for him and any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks

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zvhipp profile image
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4 Replies
Katiesgran profile image

Obviously we can’t offer diagnosis on here but many of us have had NOn Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease which has progressed to cirrhosis and many of us are Type 2 diabetics. Other than not taking alcohol, low salt diet, lose weight if necessary and up exercise there is not much more you can do other than listen to your doctors and question, question, question. If you follow that and can stabilise his condition you are doing your best to ensure he remains reasonably active and healthy. Good luck, it is a horrible, worrying illness to have but you will get lots of support on here if and when you need it.

zvhipp profile image
zvhipp in reply to Katiesgran

Thank you for replying. We are trying to do our best. He has lost almost 9kgs in last 3 weeks and eyes are kind of yellow. He is holding up but often I can sense from inside he is very dejected. He has been fond of travelling and dining out which he is not able to do right now. He wasn't overweight and in his lifetime had no more than couple of cans of beer, so we are just kind of shocked how it came to this stage. Only thing that bothers me is Doctors are just not replying to our questions where we feel satisfied regarding the cause of his cirrhosis and condition of liver. They are just busy treating symptoms. I am not a doctor but from what I read from everyone's experience, Doctors generally treat the cause along with symptoms to slow it or keep it at that place. Not sure why Doctors in India just busy with treating symptoms and they have so much rush of patients, they have no time to sit and give us something positive or hope to look forward too.

Katiesgran profile image
Katiesgran in reply to zvhipp

Think is much the same everywhere. It’s a lot to take in and a period of anxiety and depression at first is normal. I would suggest that you write down your questions before next appointment with consultant and give it to them telling them you really need some answers to help you move forward. Sometimes there is no obvious cause and as I said there is a high incidence of this with diabetics and that may be only cause. You don’t need to be overweight to have fatty liver - many are thin on the outside but fat inside. Look up the advice on the British Liver Trust website for advice on diet and exercise.

This is not the end of his dining out, just the start of a new adventure in different choices. It may curtail long haul flights but again there are lots of other options.

It is hard to be positive at diagnosis any I know I struggled with the thoughts of my own mortality but hopefully he gets help with his current problems to a point that he is able to live a fulfilled life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father.

justdontgoogle profile image

How strange, this is similar to my dad’s story. His ankles and legs swelled quite suddenly, and his tummy, while he was on holiday. They have drained 5 litres from his tummy and given diuretics for his legs. I’m just hoping the ascites fluid doesn’t build up again too quickly. Best wishes, hope your dad is doing okay.

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