Hi all, Just thought I'd tell you all something amusing before I retire for the night. I was so ill and weak pre transplant, I had been getting weaker and tireder over 4 years. My neighbours had all but given up on me because I had always been termed terminal right up until June this year when all of a sudden in the final stages of liver failure I was offered a chance of assesment for a transplant. The neighbours thought I would never make it, some even said as much! Well now that I've had my transplant and come out the other side and things are going well one neighbour across the road refers to me as Lazarus which I find highly amusing (although I'm sure that I couldn't carry my bed!). Well I'm off to bed now folks and in the words of Captain Titus Oates "I may be gone for some time!" but I will definitely be back tomorrow! Sleep well all. Alf
68 not out!: Hi all, Just thought I'd... - British Liver Trust
68 not out!

Good night, Lazaralf!
Great stuff alfie. Have a good sleep m8 😁.
Bloory hell 68! You’re knocking on a bit. I’m only 64, alright dad....

Just seen this you cheeky young whippersnapper!!!!
Good morning to a fabulous ATG, who is 68 and going strong.
All praise to the transplant team and MANY others. Not to mention, your incredible inner strength.
For my part I love this, as I am 68 this Christmas.
(Well 2 days after Christmas Day to be precise).
So your wonderful mail gives such encouragement all round.
You at one end of the transplant.
Out the other side.
For me personally with my foot firmly on the first rungs of ladder of a hopeful transplant at the other end.
So, I hope you have slept well Lazarus? What would you think would be the female version of Lazarus?
Have a great day one ATG, and all xx

Thank you for your very kind words Jaycee. You can be Renata, It means reborn in Latin. You will go into transplant theatre age 68 and you will come out the other side (after the first few weeks recuperation of course) feeling 38. Tonight Matthew I will be ............Rejuvenated! Wishing you a very short time on the list. Alf
I may change my user name to Renate. I love that in Latin and there it is again a huge grin on my face. Have a great day.
Is there any possibility I could talk them into a nip and tuck to come out looking 38 years old as well. LOL

Hey, I had a nip and tuck. Appendix scar disappeared along with my gall bladder!! lol
Shucks I was hoping for the lines on my face lol

They will be laughter lines when you've been through the process. No more worry lines. SLAP!! lol
I am 65 and 8 months post transplant and understand totally.
Keep on going and well done!
I for one intend to do my donor proud!

Thanks. Yes, me too David.
FABULOUS !!! How awesome is that.

Well said x
Good for you, stick to the bedroom!
Hello , well done you ! I gather the neighbours comments are ‘tongue in cheek ‘ (if not get some new ones )
Are you then 68 years old then as the above ‘not out’ caption states, ?
Very pleased to hear that eligibility stretches to that age , I’ve read that donor age is 60 however (have you the same information?)
And being pedantic as I am , the twisted bedridden man that Christ healed on the sabbath after his family had lowered him through the roof was told ‘pick up his cot and go home’
Lazarus had no bed ...sorry
mmmmmm that explains two things .
1) Lazarus
2) why I’m single !
Keep the spirits up ! ( no pun intended)
Again I truly believe a positive attitude does help...
so many tales to back it up

Hi Bal1. Yes, I'm 68. The neighbours were indeed serious as I had become so weak and wasted. I myself was convinced that had the call not come when it did that I would not be seeing in 2019. I think as far as age is concerned re eligibility for transplant, it depends which hospital you are under for treatment and which health authority and how many are on the lists and also what health conditions might give you some priority. Also how fit you are apart from your liver problems. In my case all of my problems were confined to my liver. It's a well known fact that there are not enough donor livers to go round and so specialists and surgeons have to decide if you are a risk worth taking (ie, are you going to survive a very expensive operation with very expensive aftercare and drugs etc). There are many folk on here that are over 60 and have had transplant or are on the list for transplant. Also, might I add, there are many people over 60 on transplant lists that are probably fitter and a better risk than some people on the lists that are many years younger. As for the cot/bed/mattress of Lazarus, our use of words and language changes over the years. At sunday school we were taught that Christ said to Lazarus "Take up thy bed and walk". Had the word cot been used we would probably have had a snigger behind our hands because all five to twelve year olds know that only babies sleep in cots! So I couldn't have picked up a cot or bed or mattress, lol. Yes, a positive attitude certainly does help, I stayed positive over four long and unpleasant years (classed as terminal) and only in my last few weeks pre transplant did I begin to doubt that I would make it. So pleased that my doubts were unfounded.All the best. Alfred
Great stuff Alfie. Had my TP 2 years ago. When I bump into people I haven’t seen since you can see the look of disbelief that I made it through the op. I sometimes have to say who I am since I have lost that lovely? orange glow I had!!
Keep getting stronger!!
same here Dorset, People keep telling me how well I look and yes to A9KSY I'm so enjoying not feeling generally off colour and having little or no appetite. Even little things like looking at the garden now and thinking what I'm going to do here and there next year instead of looking at it and thinking will I see the bulbs or shrubs flower again.Life is wonderful. Regards Alf
I know exactlywhere you are coming from, i was following the same path. Sleep well and i hope you're enjoying your new life as much as i am.
Need those stories in My life thank you so much it means a lot to me gives me hope