I am 33 years old and had a liver transplant in December last year. Thankfully everything went well and there have been no complications.
Before and after the cirrhosis diagnosis I was into keeping fit. It's only once my cirrhosis changed to decompensated that I lost most of the muscle mass I'd gained from training as well as loads of weight. I went from 14 to less than 13 stone within 3-4 weeks.
I was given the go ahead to start exercising again but avoid putting any strain on the abs. Problem is I still get some fatigue, seems to be quite common in post transplant patients.
I have been riding a bike a couple of days a week for the past few weeks but I think I overdid it last time around 10 days ago. I rode 12 miles and started feeling some discomfort around the liver area as well as being exhausted for the following 4-5 days. Tried running but was getting sharp chest pains everytime. Going to see a specialist about that but have already established it's not heart or lung related.
My question is, are there any others who have managed to get back into training following a transplant? How did you deal with fatigue if any? Im a healthy weight now just over 14 stone but most of it seems to have accumulated in my mid section so I'm looking to get rid of some of that as well as gain some muscle on my legs and upper body.
P.S. Are tattoos discouraged post transplant? I read somewhere they are not safe. I'll ask at the liver clinic on my next appointment in 3 months anyway but thought I'd see if anyone had any personal experience.