Hello again.. I received already my biopsy appointment which it will be in 31'st August (much sooner than I have expected, but this is great). All good besides the medical letter that I received yesterday, in which almost everything is wrong written.
First is saying that I have F4of severe Cirrhosis, but I hope that could be written by mistake instead severe fibrosis. (hopefully)
They are saying that my ALT level was 150 at my last blood test, instead 195 which it was the real level.
Than, they are saying that I" denied any symptoms of fatigue and weakness, and seems in a good overall health "?! This is sooo wrong! The consultant never asked me about my symptoms, from which I was complaining already for one year. How possible to say such a thing about something that never happened?! He didn't look at my huge bloated belly and he didn't asked me about my symptoms at all.
At the beginning I was jus wanting to lat it go(because I am so tired to fight for gaining the medical help that I need for so long now) , but I keep thinking about the fact that maby can have a negative impact at my future evaluation...
And I don't know what to do now. I should call the consultant gastroenterologist and complain about the letter? But I am afraid that they will say I am a crazy lady. (we already have a passt with the secretary who gave me appointment in November after being diagnosed with cirrhosis...)
Should I go just to my Gp and discuss about it? But I think that email's are not read properly by the consultant, because my Gp already wrote emails about my symptoms, and seems like was never read..
I hope that you can help me with an advice about what I can do..
Thank you