Abnormal Liver Results : Hello all I... - British Liver Trust

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Abnormal Liver Results

Lucyaw79 profile image
3 Replies

Hello all

I have just been discharged from hospital after laparoscopic surgery to remove a large ovarian cyst which had been thought to suddenly twisted due to size.

Full bloods were taken on admission to hospital and the consultant came to see me prior to the surgery to ask how many pain killers I’d taken at home. I’d taken 2 paracetamol 6 hours before emergency admission (for a horrendous headache) and certainly not overdosed by any means or anything, or drank recently. In the period of time leading up to my blood tests I’d taken probably 4 paracetamol in a week.

They went ahead with surgery and found it to be a large cyst which hadn’t twisted or anything so the pain I’d experienced could not be attributed to that. The pain was in the middle of my back but it has settled down now.

My liver ALT results were 429. I’ve been told my GP will be intouch soon to follow up. I’ve been constantly tired and achy from joint pains in my fingers to my feet. Has anyone experienced anything like this or could throw some light on the results?

I am 38, 5ft 4 weighing 58kg. I barely drink if at all and never really have done but I do smoke around 10 a day. After consulting Dr Google I’m frightened of what it could possibly mean like hepatitis/liver disease.

Thanks 🙏

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3 Replies
farranccc profile image

Hi Lucyaw79, I’m really sorry I cannot really help but just wanted to say hi and ask others to help.

I can see that your alt is high but I’ve seen a lot higher on here in the past.

Is it all your joints that are aching or just fingers and toes?

All the best, f

Lucyaw79 profile image
Lucyaw79 in reply to farranccc


Generally it’s feet, toes and fingers with intermittent pain under my ribs but today it’s my whole body, like the flu without the cold. The surgeon and consultant were convinced I must have taken an overdose of paracetamol initially and banned painkillers from my meds but realised quite quickly I was being honest with them and are looking at other causes. I have repeat bloods in a couple of days specifically looking at liver so hopefully I’ll get some answers, it’s just so odd I went in hospital for something completely different Xx

Kristian profile image

Hi Lucy,

Try not to worry too much about an isolated abnormal test result. Looking at the chart your result on the 3rd July was well within the normal range. So perhaps your liver suffered a bit of an insult during or leading up to the surgery. The usual protocol is simply to test again in a few weeks to see if its still raised, whether the numbers are reducing or whether its gone completely back to normal. In most cases the numbers are likely to reduce or be reducing if not already back to normal. If not they may then look to see if there is another cause. I wouldn't really start to worry too much about liver disease at this stage. The most likely cause is some acute reaction to something. However, do discuss this with your GP. Only they can really give you any firm plan of action. None of us here are medically trained and the posting of results is generally discouraged. I do hope that's helpful, albeit from a non-qualified source.

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