Fatty liver scan results: Hi, I posted... - British Liver Trust

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Fatty liver scan results

Amok54 profile image
23 Replies

Hi, I posted here a few weeks ago after getting raised LFTs in blood tests. I was referred for an ultrasound scan and just got the results. The summary said ‘ diffuse fatty infiltration/parenchymal disease.’ It also mentioned slightly bulky liver. The practise nurse who called me about it said it could lead to cirrhosis and referred me to the Wellbeing clinic. She also said to come back in 3 months for more blood tests. Tbh I must have been in shock because I couldn’t think straight to ask any questions, and haven’t thought about anything else since. I’m overweight and also used to drink more than my fair share - completely stopped over a month ago when this all began. The nurse didn’t mention if it was alcohol related or not - now I’m sick with worry. The thought that it could be self inflicted makes it ten times worse. I’d be very grateful for any advice anybody can offer?

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Amok54 profile image
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23 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

The advice for alcohol related or non alcohol related fatty liver would be the same together with continued abstinence. The fact it isn't yet showing as cirrhosis is positive so you've still got chance to turn this around.



Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to AyrshireK

I thought there was a difference between ARLD and the non alcohol related one. Nobody at my GPS has even asked me about my alcohol intake yet - fear made me stop as soon as I got the LFT results. I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see what they say at the Wellbeing appointment and take it from there. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, Katie.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Amok54

Different mechanisms but result the same, follow advise for NAFLD and omit booze and you'll tackle it.

Laura009 profile image

Hi Amok. First of all don't panic and become anxious about this as that is not going to help so take some deep breaths and calm down. The condition of your liver as it stands now is completely reversible by giving up alcohol, eating healthily which means avoiding all fatty, sugary and processed foods. Instead eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and lean meat. Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and take regular daily exercise. Your liver needs no suppliments which can cause more damage you just need to allow it time to heal. So take care of it and your liver will continue to look after you.


Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to Laura009

Hi Laura, I’ve already started to make big changes to my lifestyle but I’m really scared that I’ve left it too late and that too much damage has been done to reverse it now? I’ve read on this site that US scans aren’t always all that reliable? Also, my GP doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to follow this up or speak to me (the nurse phoned with my scan results ) maybe because they’re too busy with the COVID situation? Thank you so much for your excellent advice and reassurance, Laura. I will do my best to look after my liver now, and hope it returns the favour🤞

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Amok54

Amok, honestly if your doc felt you needed urgent treatment you would get it. The reason he appears to not be in any hurry is because you just need to continue all the good work you have started. It would be wonderful if they had a magic medicine to fix your liver but it really is all about looking after it yourself. It's brilliant you have already made those changes so all the very best to you. So please don't worry just keep thinking positively... it really will work wonders.Laura xx

Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to Laura009

I believe you Laura - thanks again!

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Amok54

You're welcome. Take care. Stay safe L xx

idyllic420 profile image
idyllic420 in reply to Laura009

how about a daily multi-vitamin pill? Can it also do harm to already struggling liver?

B3nnen2015 profile image

Dont worry calm down, its very fixable!

The liver gets bigger because of the fat from food and drink.

Mostly sugars.

I cured mine by intermittent fasting and how carb diet and weightloss. No sugar or alcohol obviously.

Mediterranean diet is helpful, drink plenty of water.

Follow the above advice and by Laura and Katie and imsure you'll be fine.

You can click on my profile to see my previous posts and my journey.

Try to get close to your recommended BMI then maybe go back for a blood test and I'd bet your liver will be better. :)

Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to B3nnen2015

Thank you for your advice Ben, and for taking the time to reply. I know there are people out there in a much worse situation than mine right now, but terror has struck and I can’t think of anything else! I can see now that my lifestyle has been appalling until now, and fear that I’ve pushed my luck too far this time. I did wonder about intermittent fasting - I have a long way to go before I even get near my recommended BMI. However, I’ll give it 100% from now on and try to have a positive outlook 🤞

Dogbot profile image

Hi Amok54 I have cirrhosis and your right it’s all my own doing I made some bad choices when I was younger became an alcoholic and it took me ending up in hospital with liver failure for me to kick the alcohol and yes when I think of the pain and suffering I gave my wife does hurt but enough about me a very dear friend of mine got told she had a fatty liver and has just changed her diet in alcohol and healthy eating she is completely clear now so as Laura says don’t panic or get anxious because it will not do you any good just concentrate on your own diet with no alcohol 👍good luck.

Stay Safe All

Dogbot 🐶🌈

Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to Dogbot

Hi Dogbot, thanks for your advice and encouragement. Advice from people who really know what they’re talking about is very welcome. Having health issues yourself, it’s so kind of you to come on here and help others.

I’m trying hard to change my lifestyle, and haven’t been tempted to drink for over a month now due to being scared witless, but I’m well aware that could change at any time as time wears on.

I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, and wish all the best for you in the future.

Onesmallstep1969 profile image

Hi Amok,

Scientists have found that eating lots of meat increases your risk for fatty liver disease:


Amok54 profile image
Amok54 in reply to Onesmallstep1969

Hi, thank you for sending that link - I’ll certainly have a look at that. I’ve stopped eating all red meat now but realise it could have added to the damage over the years!

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Onesmallstep1969

I have sent a private message to Amok to reassure her that lean meat and fish is perfectly safe to eat and is actively encouraged by liver specialists. Being a vegan is not going to save the planet or your liver !

Onesmallstep1969 profile image
Onesmallstep1969 in reply to Laura009

It really depends on the type of liver disease one has as to whether eating meat will help at all. For some, such as alcoholics who have developed advanced alcohol-related liver disease, and whose livers are so damaged that they cannot retain nutrients, some doctors recommend eating meat, simply to help the blood counts.

But for those who are not far gone into advanced liver disease or who are not alcoholics, eating red meat will not improve the liver's function, according to scientists who have studied the problem more deeply than any of us.

Not eating meat will not lower your platelet counts. Non-meat eaters averaged platelet counts of between 238 and 258 in a large British study of over 450,000 people carried out by scientists at the Nuffield Department of Population Health. Meat eaters (without liver disease) averaged 252.

People who have undergone liver transplants of course have received a new start on life and won't see damage to their new, healthy livers for some time. You seem to have some family experience with alcohol-related liver disease so perhaps you can better speak to those in that situation. Best of luck.

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Onesmallstep1969

Correct... my husband had alcoholic liver disease and was given a strict diet to follow which included lean white meats and fish by a liver specialist dietician. No suppliments other than the protien shakes which were prescribed, were required. Alcohol killed him not the meat and fish he was eating.

Beachgirl77 profile image

You say red meat is not good for you, how much are we talking about. Many years agoI attempted a vegetarian lifestyle and could barely function. Doctors back then, gave me a B12 shot and told me to buy a steak on the way home and to eat red meat 3 times a week. I am now old and have fatty liver but I never forgot that episode and eat red meat 2 or 3 times a week but only a small portion. Have they changed the guidelines on red meat?

TT-2018 profile image
TT-2018 in reply to Beachgirl77

I eat red meat in similar quantities for the exact same reason. Platelets, a major factor in cirrhosis, are helped by eating beef. After my transplant, they were only just in normal range and I eat lean steak about once a week, and can see an improvement in the numbers.

So no, the guidelines have definitely not changed but in the case of cirrhosis, you should be referred to a dietitian who has access to your medical records.

The Reuters article highlights people who eat excessive amounts of red meat. In moderation and as part of a healthy, balanced diet, it would definitely not contribute to any liver problems.

I follow a Mediterranean style diet, that includes red and white meat plus fish.

Beachgirl77 profile image
Beachgirl77 in reply to TT-2018

Thank you!

Onesmallstep1969 profile image
Onesmallstep1969 in reply to Beachgirl77

Here is another study from a different university, this one is Israel, which found the same result. It is called from the Journal of Hepatology and is entitled

"High consumption of red and processed meat linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance."

Both this study and the previous one from the Netherlands found that "high" consumption of red meat really does damage the liver over time. Neither study ruled out low or moderate consumption.

Maybe the best approach is to monitor your blood results to see what amount and kind of meat is tolerable for your body. Best of luck.

Confused01 profile image

I have just found out I have a fatty liver NAFLD as I don’t drink alcohol. I found out by chance when Inasked my dr for a copy of my scan results for something else. My GP has completely ignored the part that say ‘fatty liver seen’.

I have a low BMI, not overweight and tbh eat a healthy diet all but occasional treat.

I have gastro problems, kidney cyst with bulge to urinary tube, low appetite and my liver area gets puffy. I had my gallbladder out a few years ago and issues ever since.

So should my dr be following this up and doing further checks?


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