I see my gp yesterday I was hoping he would contact the hospital to make my ultrasound urgent, I told him again about my stomach cramps, headaches, muscle cramps, sore eyes, chest pain when I eat, and told him all my joints and bones hurt,the pain in my liver area because my liver blood test are normal he's told me to see a psychiatrist I really don't know what to do now.
Gp won't help: I see my gp yesterday I... - British Liver Trust
Gp won't help
No, doctor won't send me to a gastroenterologist or liver specialist.
Your Dr has made a diagnosis and suggested a treatment plan.That plan involves seeing a psychiatrist and is probably good advice.
Health anxiety is as real as a broken leg but because it can't be seen it takes a long time to accept.
You have nothing to lose by accepting your Dr's offer so give it a try.
A psychiatrist is a fully qualified Dr so they can arrange other tests if needed and surprisingly they are a fast track into the whole of the health system.
Don't reject the Dr's suggestion, it's a good one!
5th of June the mental health appointment, meanwhile I'm getting worse each day.
Yes fast tracked the 5th of June
Hello. I have had anxiety all my life and I have had many of the symptoms you describe.
I lived in the UK for over 20 years and I was unable to get tested because my GP disregarded my symptoms because of health anxiety until I moved to Germany.
Liver disease can exist whether you have health anxiety or not and whilst you might well need a psychiatrist to deal with your mental health problems, you deserve to get at least an ultrasound and a test to check the stiffness of your liver. Blood test are not a reliable way of ruling out lover disease. In fact, many cirrhotic patients have normal blood markers when compensated.
That does not mean you have cirrhosis. I was diagnosed with fatty liver amd I adjusted my diet as much as I could and the symptoms got better.
The liver pain was very real and I notice if I indulge or have more than a couple of beers per week. And by a couple I mean two, not a few.
The advice you have been given about asking for a referral by sending a letter and quoting NICE guidelines is great.
You can also find an alternative surgery if you feel ignored.
The NHS is in crisis and underfunded at the moment. Doctors act as goalkeepers and avoid referrals because the system penalises them.
You deserve to be assessed thoroughly by a consultant.
That does not mean you have any acute or serious liver problems. But having this checked out is important.
Try not to catastrophise but push for your rights as per NICE guidelines.
All the best.
I'm waiting for a ultrasound, but I haven't been given a date yet.
I was diagnosed with a fatty liver last may after a ultrasound, but the doctor didn't give me an appointment with a dietitian after he said he would.
So does decomponsated cirrhosis have abnormal liver function test.
Did your fatty liver hurt
Thanks for that.
Thanks 👍
I find it hard to swallow food, I did have a barium swallow last April and that was apparently normal would varices show up in a barium swallow.

with all of your health issues going on - you most likely have extreme anxiety as well. I had such anxiety that I also found it hard to swallow food. Had a giant lump in my throat and was nauseous after forcing down bites. Counseling and anti anxiety meds cured that portion of my problems.

That would be your hernia
They won't do nothing for me at the surgery, looks like I will have to find another surgery.