So my hubby got the 3rd call this morning at 4am still waiting at hospital we are so tired 12 hours and not Hurd anything 😦 it’s the waiting what does ya in
Call number 3: So my hubby got the 3rd... - British Liver Trust
Call number 3
Wish your hubby the very best and hope it all happens. Wish you the very best as well, everything crossed
Thank you 🙏🏾 we do have a great hospital radio on x
Hi deb, aww. I can sympathise with you , but mine was different circumstance with my dad
Have you been told if the liver is a suitable match? I bet you are both full of anticipation. Keeping everything crossed 3rd time lucky. .🤞..
Oh good luck! Fingers crossed 3rd time lucky! Xx
Well it’s a no no on way home ! Thanks everyone x

Oh. I’m so sorry! Get some sleep and here’s to lucky number 4! Xx

Can't begin to imagine how you're both feeling. Chin up.xx
Good luck to you both hope it’s good news🙏
Hi boys and girls ! Home and chilling number 4 hopefully be the one . It’s the waiting in hospital what gets ya . It was so hot in there Karl was ok as he was sleeping half the day lol . Shower and bed ! Thanks for all your reply’s means a lot xxxxx

Oh what a bugger ! . Sorry hun , rest up both .😊.next time. 🤗xxx
Mine happened on the 4th go. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞
Hi Debski, once they had prepped me I just lay down and slept. My thought process was I was in good hands and if it is meant to be it will happen. I know that sounds a little bit twee but it certainly worked for me. When they woke me up to tell me it was a go my daughter bless her the lease me I had just ruined a secret renewal of vows for me and my wife on our 35th anniversary that her and her siblings had arranged. We eventually did it in March 17 but it wasn’t so much of a surprise.
Good luck and I hope it all goes well for your husband
Just read it was a no no, rest up and get ready for the next call.
Good luck for the fourth time round. Let’s hope it’s very soon.
Fingers crossed for you all xxx
Hi Debski, sorry to hear the above, I wish you BOTH well. Fingers Crossed for number 4! I am not on the list yet, so at least Karl is in front of me