Feel very very ill. Waiting for results. - British Liver Trust

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Feel very very ill. Waiting for results.

Splodge60 profile image
42 Replies

I have posted here a few times recently to help others and to mention my problems. This is a summary of my symptoms. 24 hours a day nausea. Vomiting intermittent - usually after moving or being in a car. No appetite. Lost 3 stones in 6 months. Bleeding every morning from mouth and when I vomit. Blood is bright red. Some pain in abdomen. Completely exhausted and sleepy all the time. Diagnosed with NASH 16 years ago. Could I have moved on from NASH to Fibrosis, Cirrhosis or Cancer????? Had a CT scan two days ago. Have to wait for result. Feel really dreadful. Has anyone else had all this???

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Splodge60 profile image
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42 Replies
grace111 profile image

im so sad to see how ill your sounding i myself suffer from nausea and its really awful but i dont have it 24 hours a day. I cant say what might be wrong with you i just wanted to send some good wishes your way and give you a warm hug. I do hope that they find out whats causing this and give you some thing to help. love grace xoxo

AyrshireK profile image

Hi Splodge, I know i've responded to you before but this bleeding from the mouth and having blood in vomit - have you had a recent endoscopy to check for oesophageal varices? NASH is a very aggressive form of fatty liver and if you've had a diagnosis of NASH for 16 years it is very possible you've developed some further liver damage though only your scan and doctors can establish this. I would be asking about an endoscopy a.s.a.p. to check your oesophagus and stomach. Any signs of vomitting blood needs pretty urgent follow up.


Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toAyrshireK

Yes Katie, I was in Hospital in January for 5 days where they did an Endoscopy. My stomach and blood results were normal except my LFTs which they weren’t concerned about because they have been high for so long. They then discharged me. I went out of hospital clutching a sick bowl with lots of blood in it. They said there was nothing they could do. I then saw a general surgeon (courtesy of GP referral) who sent me within a few days for a CT scan, which I had on Wednesday this week. Don’t have a follow up appointment with general surgeon so just have to keep on waiting to hear from someone (presumably him) to get my results. The whole thing is torture. I am assuming the problem is my liver but it may not be and then what? Meanwhile my husband was told this week that he has a ‘shadow/nodule’ on his lung. We both were having a CT scan together on Wednesday (there has to be irony in that) but he gets his results on Monday morning. I just have to keep waiting.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

I would ring the surgeon’s sec 1st thing Monday, did you see a liver specialist when you were in hospital in Jan? If not you need an urgent referral. They should not have sent you home vomiting fresh blood! If it was me(I can be a stroppy cow as I used to be a nurse) I’d ring 999 say your vomiting blood- you don’t need to tell them you had an endoscopy! When they take you to hospital demand to see a liver doctor (and if they don’t have one- I’d be surprised- demand that your transferred to your nearest liver unit) sorry but you have to get a bit stroppy it’s your body and your suffering not theirs at the end of the day.

I’m sorry to hear about your hubby your stress and anxiety must be high.

Remember Do Not Let them discharge you if you’re still vomiting blood!! Quote the NICE guidelines and they’ll pay attention! Type in google Nice guidelines on vomiting blood and it’s all there. Good Luck and the very best wishes

art4949 profile image
art4949 in reply toO13B

This is what I would do. Good advice for sure, 013B.Vomiting blood is a urgent,serious matter. Please make sure you are seen to slodge60...persist! I know this is tough when you are feeling so weakened and unwell, I am sorry it is like this for you when it is so apparent how the quality of your life is at a stand still until your urgent medical state is seen too.

Becca80 profile image
Becca80 in reply toSplodge60

I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I would keep chasing them and be persistant. I would personally go to a and e again and again until they gave you a full check over. Sending you loads of hugs for you and your hubby x

Lindar1961 profile image

Hi, I agree with some of the replies. You have bleeding varicies. Go to the ER and ask for an upper GI scope. This is very dangerous. Please do not wait. Sorry to scare you but it is serious.

Splodge60 profile image

Thank you for your comments. My problem is that I recently had an endoscopy in the hospital and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. If I go back to A&E (I’m in England) they’ll not do anything at all because I’ve already had the tests indicating that my bloods are normal as well. They’ll just send me home again. Now I’ve had the CT scan they’ll just make me wait for the results. It is so frustrating for me. Can Portal hypertension be detected during a regular blood pressure test, because again, my blood pressure is always normal? I don’t really know much about oesophageal varicies. I’ve read a bit about it but it is a bit difficult to understand. Also would it go on for so long (nearly 3 months)? Why also, would my blood tests come back normal all the time (except LFTs)? It’s confusing not just for me but the medics as well?

BSA-3 profile image
BSA-3 in reply toSplodge60

Hi Splodge60. Just to put things in perspective; variceal bleeds can be as dangerous as somebody cutting your throat from ear to ear, with the same outcome. I'm not being dramatic and I don't want to frighten you, but if it was me I would ring for an ambulance now. I 'm assuming that you are up and about, judging by the time of your response. If you tell A&E you've been vomiting fresh blood they will send you for an endoscopy straight away. Please ring an ambulance now and take care.

in reply toSplodge60

Blood pressure tests do not indicate portal hypertension (I suffer from this). The only way, as far as I know, of detecting it is in the ultrasound. It is measured there when they look at the flow through the portal vein. They can also detect if the blood is flowing in the correct direction in the ultrasound. It is surprising that you don't seem to be suffering from anaemia with this amount of blood loss. Have they checked for that in the blood tests?

Just had a thought! When I had the variceal bleed, my blood pressure was all over the place when I sat or stood up, so had to lie down, so it was pretty obvious, in my case, that I was bleeding from varices. Also, there was blood in my stools, which you haven't mentioned (another sign of internal bleeding)

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

Portal hypertension is not caused by raised BP. Please call 999 and get the paramedics to take you in, if you take yourself you’ll with the walking wounded and could have a long wait! While you’re waiting for the ambulance google NHS my nearest liver unit. If you tell me where about your hospital is I can quickly check for you. I did this for myself, my local hospital is Norwich but the liver unit is Addenbrooks!

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

I live in Chorley, Lancs, where there is a small District Hospital. I was taken to Royal Preston Hospital last time where they kept me in for 5 days and then discharged me as I’ve mentioned. The blood I am losing is heavy first thing in the morning, then it thins out till I keep spitting up clear liquid. If I then vomit, perhaps later in the day, usually half of it is what I’ve eaten or drunk, and the other half is bright red blood. The nausea is with me 24 hours a day. As I’ve said the vomiting is intermittent and usually occurs if I move about after any eating or drinking so now I spend nearly all day sitting and moving very little. I hardly eat anything and can’t drink much either. The docs can’t give me anything for the nausea because I’m on Warfarin and Insulin injections. I also have mobility issues so I have no quality of life. Right now I feel so terrible but I just can’t face A&E again knowing what I’ve just been through. Thank you all so much for trying to help. It really is appreciated.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

You must go to A+E but with the paramedics. I’ll be back soon when I’ve checked.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

Hi you need to be seen by someone from Dr Philip Sheilds( the best one) or Dr Sharma team! Do not accept anything else, both these guys specialise in liver disease. So write the names down and take them with you in the ambulance! It will show any junior dr who tries to fob you off, that you mean business and just keep going higher up the chain, I mean if they try to send you home ask to see the hospital administer, if they won’t let you see a liver specialist! Go into suffragette mode! You will not move until you see a liver specialist!!! Go girl power!

Please ring 999 Now

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

It was Dr Shields who arranged the Endoscopy and then discharged me. I can’t go back to him. I do realise you are trying to help but he said at the time that there was nothing else he could do. He didn’t, for example, arrange the CT scan, that was someone else at Chorley Hospital. I wish I could ring 999 but I will just get the same (lack of care) and I’m really not strong enough to fight anyone.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

Ok your nearest liver unit is Manchester royal infirmary (41miles from Chorley) make your GP refer you to them, but still call an ambulance please you can’t go on bleeding like this! And The doc’s at MRI will be able to see that you’ve been trying to get help.

Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on at A+E xx

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

Thank you so much. You have been very kind. What I think I will do is get through the next day till Monday morning. Go with my husband to get his results from his CT scan , with Chest Consultant on Monday morning at Chorley Hospital at 8.45. I must go with him because he doesn’t ask questions. From there, I will go (not ring) to my GP surgery, and ask the Duty Dr to send me to Manchester as a matter of urgency. I know for sure what will happen if I go to A&E here or Preston. I will see a Junior Dr (again) and I will have been through the torture of waiting for hours, to be sent home again. I truly cannot face that the way I am currently feeling. I’m not currently bleeding but if I vomit I will and being in the car leads to that. The only respite I get is just sitting still on the settee with my computer to take my mind off things. The nausea is relentless and I’m constantly spitting into a bowl, just clear fluid. I will try to eat something later but it’s hit and miss whether I keep it down. Thank you again, so very much.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

I was given anti sickness meds when I was in hospital with decompensated liver failure so there is no reason you can’t have them, might help the nausea

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

This is no word of a lie, my GP says there is nothing they can give me for nausea and sickness because I am on Warfarin and Insulin.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

Ok I’ve spoken to a pharmacist and it’s the warfarin, but you can go to the chemist and get travel sick tablets that won’t react with the warfarin! Why are you on warfarin and what does?

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

I have a history of 3x DVTs and 2x PEs. I’m on it for life. My last DVT was in November last year, even though I was on Warfarin.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

I’m so sorry! Try the travel sick tablets tomorrow, I hope they’ll help a bit

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toO13B

I will, thank you for all your help and input today. You have been very kind.

O13B profile image
O13B in reply toSplodge60

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with, your going through so much xx

toma123 profile image

Have they done an ultrasound? Sometimes when you have portal hypertension your spleen enlarges an they can see it in an ultra sound or CT scan. Your platelets are also likely to go down.

in reply totoma123

When I had the variceal bleed, my spleen was in normal range and my platelets remained steady (low- but that is normal for me). It would seem that these are not enough to indicate varices. I can say from my own experience, I felt very unwell when stood up,so stopped doing that!!!

Splodge60 profile image

Yes I have had an ultrasound but have not had the results. According to the doctors at the hospital, my blood tests were normal and, apart from raised LFTs they cannot find the cause of my problem. I had an endoscopy as well and this showed nothing either. I cannot go to A&E again. I have waited hours and hours to see a doctor twice now and each time they said my blood tests were normal so there was nothing they could do. On the 2nd occasion in January, I burst into tears and begged the Junior Dr to speak with his superior. He did so and I was admitted and, after 2 days they carried out the endoscopy which found nothing. Therefore it cannot be oesophageal varicies can it? I’m not imagining this bleeding. In a morning there is a lot of it. If I vomit there is even more. The Hospital doctors saw the evidence of the heavy blood loss in a sick bowl but still they discharged me. I left the hospital carrying a sick bowl with lots of blood in it. The nurses and doctors all seemed baffled but not willing to do any more tests. I was too sick to care then and I’m worse now because, not only am I bleeding but I am also very weak from lack of nourishment as I find it so hard to eat or drink. It was an outpatient appointment with a general surgeon that ensured I had a CT scan last Wednesday. If that comes back normal as well, then what do I do?

in reply toSplodge60

Since Splodge60 is as someone said the walking wounded, it is of course entirely possible that something else is going on here. Since I am not medically qualified I cannot say one way or the other that it is or isn't varices, but the weight loss would indicate the possibility of other diagnoses.

I do hope you get some answers and soon :)

Nyork10 profile image

I don't understand why the medical staff thought it was acceptable to send you away when you had vomitted blood?

I would go back and really put your foot down explain that the problem is getting worse, you are now very weak because of it and you can't eat or drink so that in itself presents problems as you could suffer from dehydration.

When i was admitted to hospital it was with portal vein thrombosis - i know that this should have been detected if you had this but i did have similar symptoms to you - i wouldn't be here today if i hadn't have gone to A&E.

I don't know if anyone is able to attend with you but put your foot down they cannot send you away vomiting blood and to say they simply don't know why and ask you to wait for the results of the CT scan is completely unacceptable.

Saintgeorge profile image

Hi splodge 60, you have certainly had a lot of investigation and tests. Hope you are not on any blood thinners. You have to put your trust in the doctors now but I don't think I would go far from a phone. Wishing you the very best outcome.

Lynnylynster profile image
Lynnylynster in reply toSaintgeorge

Warfarin is a blood thinner

BSA-3 profile image

Hi again. Do you have any ulcers,(gastric or duodenal,) or a diagnosis of gastropathy? If ulcers burst it can be serious too. Having varices will not affect your bloods either, as far as I'm aware. I'm trying to help you as much as I can, but I certainly aren't qualified to make a diagnosis- I can only speak of mine and others experiences. You should absolutely, never have been discharged vomiting blood. I repeat, go to A&E. Take care.

toma123 profile image
toma123 in reply toBSA-3

It could be many things including an ulcer. I think it is wrong to discharge someone vomiting blood without knowing the reason that they are bleeding. Someone should find out who is in charge and write a letter of omplaing. I would also contact my MP for advice.

Remainer profile image

Hi, I think you must go to A&E with all this persistent blood loss. It cannot be right that you aren't in hospital and having further tests to find out what's going on. I wish you the very best, but don't carry on like this please, you need the hospital. x

Lynnylynster profile image

Go to A&E- if they try to send uou you home, ask to speak to PALS. They soon attend to you


I really feel for you. They should not have sent you home. Please go to a and e. Also, I agree, tell them you are going to speak to pals. I threatened before Christmas and I got an appointment the next day! Sending lots of hugs your way xxxx

Abby14 profile image

You are vomiting blood! Not good :( Demand to be looked at propley! OMG to send you home like that is a discrage, of course there is something wrong, you are vomiting Blood! Keep on at the DRS till they do something! Go to A&E every day if you have to! refuse to leave till they sort you out! you must really scared :( I am with my liver condtion & I am know where near as bad as you! so sorry you are so ill :( Please make them listen! Good luck with it all :)

Splodge60 profile image

I am so grateful for the amazing responses I have had concerning my current state of health. You have all been so kind and given some good advice. I do not wish anyone to think I am ignoring such comments. I am not. However, I am in a dilemma. Why? Because I had a CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis last Wednesday (6 days ago). It is crucial for me to get the results of that scan before I take anymore action. It is going to be looking in depth at my liver (my central area of concern) and, no matter how difficult and frustrated I feel due to having to wait, I really have no choice at all. If I go to A&E they will send me home to wait again. I’ve learned how they operate. They’ve already established that it isn’t a Gastro problem through an endoscopy and scan. I have yesterday learned that some of the bleeding (but not all) is coming from my teeth. I was told I had Periodontal disease. However, the constant nausea and vomiting (which is now more frequent), loss of appetite and hunger, and thereby loss of weight, are getting more serious. I was crying with pain and discomfort yesterday and just wanted to die. After about two hours of that, it eased somewhat and I got a bit of relief. Like I said, thank you for your help and, if anything, tell me how to get a quicker response from Radiologist?????

Splodge60 profile image

I rang my GP this afternoon to see if she could help me. Her response: If the CT scan is clear, then you will have to accept that the cause is psychological and it is your mental health problems that are causing the symptoms. You must be prepared for that. I then rang the office of the surgeon who sent me for the CT scan, to see if they had got the Radiologists report, and they have not yet got it. My GP is absolutely convinced that, because I suffer from depression, that means my health issues are psychological. I feel so unwell today and I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, not even her, but I truly hope there are some answers in that CT scan, otherwise what can I do? She is obviously not going to help me anymore.

Lindar1961 profile image
Lindar1961 in reply toSplodge60

When doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with you they say “psychological “. It is so frustrating! You can’t bleed for no reason! I pray you will find a doctor who can help you.

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply toLindar1961

Thank you. I’ve got a list of things to do tomorrow in being proactive in helping myself because my GP is not going to help me, that is very clear. One of them includes changing my GP plus Surgery, because I’m tired of having to try and justify the way I feel and the way my body is behaving to GPs who are closing rank because I’m probably costing them too much money. Also, I intend to make a fuss about the way a GP can discriminate against someone who suffers from depression but alongside some serious physical health issues, they will then no longer actively pursue finding a reason for such problems. Everyone who has seen my sick bowls with blood in each day, are appalled at the shocking neglect I am experiencing and cannot understand why things are not moving more quickly. It’s not in my nature to be a fighter for myself, but right now I am fighting mad at my GP for her unkindness and lack of compassion and understanding toward me. I feel 90% sure I have a liver problem other than NASH, but I cannot be sure till I get the results from the CT scan.


The you've been treated is appalling. I think that you should go to pals, I know that usually makes them sit up and take notice!! Please take care lots of love Lynne xxxx

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