Hi I'm 35 and have drank heavy for the last three years I decided to stop for days ago I don't feel the need for a drink any more is it normal to feel like this. Any feed back would be good thanks
Stopping drinking: Hi I'm 35 and have... - British Liver Trust
Stopping drinking

Hi there,
Not sure what you mean about how you are feeling being normal? Can you elaborate?
Great that you've stopped drinking
Michelle x
I was told that I would have the shakes and be craving for a drink did at first but only for the first to days now just feel normal I had pains in the bottom of my back at first fort it was my job coursing them but was told that could be my liver from the heavy drinking
Hi Johnnyava, I too stopped drinking completely when diagnosed with a fatty liver, and found it very easy. I didn't have any shakes or withdrawal symptoms. I guess we are the lucky ones in this respect, but you will be doing your liver a big favour by not drinking anymore.We all have to play the waiting game with appointments, but you will find plenty of support here.
Thanks for the comment David I guess we are the lucky ones well I guess the next step is seeing the doctors hopefully I've not damaged my self and well done for stopping as well
Well done Johnny, good for you. May I ask please why you became a heavy drinker in the first place? You have to be totally honest with yourself here. There are many reasons why a person starts to drink heavily for a reason. Sometimes a person will drink for emotional reasons as form of self-medication, others for social reason, or even just because they just like the taste. If you can identify the reason, then your halfway to dealing with this before it becomes a major issue.
Please also be aware of possible triggers, these are all around us and it's the way we respond to images and situations we see in life. It might be an advert on the side of a bus, selling an ice cold pint of lager, or seeing people drinking in the Rover's Return, and sadly there's even alcohol ice cream out there. But, don't despair, you've done the first thing an stopped. Good for you.

I lost my mum three years ago and was left to look after my dad who suffers with dementia and Alzheimer's I had a fall out with my family so was left to deal with it my way of dealing with it was to drink heavy at night to forget about it and it just went from there and then it was all day at the weekend and every night after work I finally started talking to one of my sisters a week ago and she was drunk on the phone a came of the phone and was talking to my wife about it I asked if I sounded like that when I was drunk she replied yes you do I don't no wot hit me but something inside just said you need to stop Now so I did it was something as simple as that strange how the human mind works
I thought there might be a reason behind the drinking. You'd be surprised just how many people there are out there who turn to alcohol. I'm so glad you've found not only the cause, but also you managed to have that wakeup moment.
I used to suffer with depression and used alcohol as a means of self-medication just to lift the gloom. I used to go on benders which would normally last for three days. What we don't realise when we do these things, is that we unknowingly try to disconnect from the real world. We push people away, and try to lock ourselves away inside a bubble. It's a bit like climbing back into the womb where we feel safe and warm. Alcohol in it's self is a depressant and can only make the situation worse. The people we then hurt are the ones love.
It sounds to me that you have a really good lady wife there Johnny, and she's stood by you through this dark time in your life. There's a lot of women out there who don't and won't put up with the drinking. That works when the shoe is on the other foot.
If ever you do get the urge to have that drink, just think of her. Once again, well done.
Very well done on stopping drinking, your wife must be so proud of you. Please take care. Xx