Still drinking : I started drinking... - British Liver Trust

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Still drinking

wilmawemyss profile image
25 Replies

I started drinking again just before Christmas and really struggling to come off the alcohol. The advice I am getting from my councillors is to cut down gradually which I really struggle with. I know my health is getting worse and am sick with worry which exacerbates the worry and anxiety. Not really eating or sleeping. Anyone have any advice?

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wilmawemyss profile image
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25 Replies
sophiaS1980 profile image

I am from the USA and I hope you don't have a medical person telling you to cut down, and you have cirrhosis. Please stop drinking, but if you need help, seek help.

Ac16 profile image

How much support are you getting? It sounds like you need more. Have you spoke to o your Gp? Have you thought about going to an alcohol detox facility? You would get more support and monitoring this way. If not the GP can provide you with detox medication to help with the detox and refer you for support from mental health services. Do you have family who can support you? You can do this and you will feel much better and much less anxious when you do, but it sounds like you need more support both mentally and physically.

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to Ac16

Thank you for your advice

MLB_77 profile image

Yes tapering down isn’t for everybody. I find it much much easier not to drink than drink a little.

Seeking medical detox would be the safest bet. At least not being alone.

The risk of seizure is actually higher the second day of not drinking, from what I hear.

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to MLB_77

Thank you

mtk0925 profile image

I would highly highly recommend therapy rehab. Only because I saw your other post that you do have cirrhosis and you can greatly improve your life by abstaining from drinking. Even a few here and there is agitating your liver. I stayed dry for a month it was hard. I don’t have cirrhosis but I do have a liver dx of fatty liver and I know I need to take care so I make drinking very occasional but in your case I’d say 0 is optimal once a year maybe if you could. But until you get rid of it it’s controlling you

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to mtk0925

Thank you

Dogbot profile image

Hi it’s so very hard to stop and depending on how much you are drinking as to wether you can just stop, over 18 years ago I was in hospital with liver failure and they had me on so much medication just to pull me through and keep me alive. When I was ready to go home I had spoken to a specialist nurse and she sat me down and talked about the things I would miss if I carried on drinking, now don’t get me wrong I loved my wife and children but for some reason it wasn’t enough then she said about grandchildren and for some reason that was the turning point. I wanted to see my grandchildren now I have four 😀. The point to this is you must get it in your head to stop, for whatever reason you find and of course support is essential wether it be friends,family, doctors or AA we all need help. I don’t really believe in just cutting down I believe a true alcoholic can’t, now I’m going to be shouted at about seizures but that’s where the doctors come in , so please get some help there is help out there. Good luck I wish you all the best 🤞.Stay Safe All

Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to Dogbot

Thank you

deanw41 profile image
deanw41 in reply to Dogbot

Hey Dogbot,so you had liver failure 18 years ago? I had it nearly two years ago? Has your liver been stable since? Do you have Fibroscan scans? Thanks Dean 😊

Dogbot profile image
Dogbot in reply to deanw41

I was very stable for about 15 years with lot’s of medication but then it started to go wrong and I was in and out of hospital 2 years ago I got on the transplant list, but 18 months ago I got a lot of gallstone problems and I was in hospital a lot then last year I was in king hospital for 10 weeks where once again those fantastic doctors and nurses brought me back from a very serious place ⛪️. I have been called in once but the liver wasn’t good enough so I had to come home 😢. I do have regular scan’s but I don’t ask to much when I see my specialist because I know I need a new liver so what the heck it will be if it’s on the cards just waiting and enjoying talking to all you guys and girls 😀.Stay Safe All

Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Dogbot

Wow dogbot, I thought you'd had a transplant. Sorry I got the impression you were on the mend.So are you on the waiting list and could be called at any time? If so I wish you all the luck in the world. You have always encouraged me 🙂.

You seem so laid back about things, don't you get any of the nasty side affects?

Sorry for asking I just feel a little unthoughtful because I always have just said "thanks for the support" and not asked how you are.

Wow snoop Dogg...... Danny x

Dogbot profile image
Dogbot in reply to Zukosmile07

Yes I am on the waiting list but because of my rare blood and complications of thrombosis it’s got to be just right for me to have a transplant. Yes I have side effects but none seem as bad as I read , so I prefer to give support. I’m very lucky I have a wonderful wife that stuck with me ( how I’m not sure) and a wonderful family so I have all the support I need and as I have said we all need some help be it from wherever you find it.

Aotea2012 profile image

Dogbot’s right it is difficult to stop drinking if you’ve been consuming the stuff for a long time. The thing is with cirrhosis no alcohol is essential to stop the disease progressing. I tried many times to cut down, and succeeded for a while, only to slowly get back to the same levels a few months later. I haven’t had a drink in 10 months and have found stopping the only way for me. I was chatting to my brother over Christmas, he only drinks occasionally, but does dry January and finds it difficult. Judging from a quick read of the newspaper columns, so does everyone else as there are pages of advice about maintaining it for a month! I have to be honest, now that I don’t drink, I’ve gotten out of the habit and don’t have cravings for it. If you’d told me that a year ago I’d have said no way! I got sick and had a brush with the grim reaper and boy did that wake me up. My alcohol counsellor thought that the association with alcohol was previously pleasurable, but the hospital stay moved that association to not so pleasurable and that’s helped me stop. I wouldn’t recommend it as a way of not drinking though! I’ve never been so scared in my life! My advise is to book an appointment with your GP or try to speak to your consultant, given you’ve had a diagnosis. They will be well used to this situation and will be able to access the right help. Don’t just stop though, not without medical help, it’s very dangerous.

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to Aotea2012

Thank you

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to Aotea2012

Thank you

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Aotea2012

I totally agree with Aotea, I wish I could of had this approach the first time I had a scare. The thing was I made a full recovery and felt fine and the rest is history 😮‍💨. Good luck Wilma...🤞


wurzle profile image

Ì am in exactly the same position. I had not drank for over a year and then had a small slip in November when my sister died. I must have had a reason for picking up again before Christmas but I'm damned if I can remember what it was. I suppose that now I have a bit of freedom after being cooped up for so long I'm reluctant to give that up. I have no idea what further damage I've done. I just stick my head in the sand. Having bloods taken next week so we'll see.So you are not alone. Christmas is a very difficult time. Hope you get back on track.

wilmawemyss profile image
wilmawemyss in reply to wurzle

Thank you

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to wurzle

Hi ws.. I buried my head in the sand the same as you but mine was for too long. I really hope you haven't done any more damage and wish you luck with the bloods this week. Keep us posted...Danny x

wurzle profile image
wurzle in reply to Zukosmile07

Thanks mate. I've got my bloods on Thursday so will let you know

1420 profile image

Not drinking since late December (last year)😃Went past a Wetherspoons today

Poster in window

Bell’s Whiskey 99p

Pint of beer 99p

To be honest these “OFFERS “ don’t help those trying to STOP 🛑

pushthrough profile image

Only way I got off alcohol without serious withdrawals was being put on benzos while in the hospital. Cutting back gradually is extremely difficult. Benzos have the same affect on the brain as alcohol and far easier on your liver. I suggest seeking help from a specialist.

Zukosmile07 profile image

Hi "WILMA", I hope you are doing/feeling better. I have tried most ways to stop, the gradually weening down never worked for me a couple of times I was hospitalised and had the detox in their care. The cold turkey is horrible if you are a full blown alcoholic (having a drink as soon as you wake) it can be dangerous, I went back to my mum n dads and my dad found me having a fit on the floor (twice). He googled it and brought me a glass of white wine saying that I should be weened off and not a full blown stop. This was the second day and wow it made me violently sick I couldn't keep a drop down. I suffered for a few days more then started to come round. So you have to be determined and only have a sip when the withdrawals kick in. If you can't do that, then you need either a home detox or hospital/rehab one. Now this is just the withdrawal period. The rest is either a scare (like me), a strong circle of family and friends around you, plain old will power, or rehab. Now I tried all of the things going and the only thing that worked for me (finding out I was dying was the definite NEVER AGAIN) was my head saying enough, I've had enough....I had been abstinent for 5 months before the final diagnosis.

I think you should ask about some liver tests to make sure you are ok and see what is best for you to stop and I wish you all the best with the dreaded drink...

Danny x

PS. I hope you don't mind me writing your name in capitals like I was shouting it. I just loved the Flintstones growing up (still do) I'm also a 🃏 Joker, No offence please....🤩💯😂

idyllic420 profile image
idyllic420 in reply to Zukosmile07

you were abstinent for 5 months before getting the diagnosis of cirrhosis? Did you have any symptoms in those 5 months? And, What made you quit, if you were not having any symptoms?

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