I'm 33 had liver test heavy drinker ggt 190 really worried waiting for detox
High ggt 190 really worried - British Liver Trust
High ggt 190 really worried

Hi Dazza. Sorry that things are not good for you. You are being brave and facing your demons and making the right decisions. Keep posting, you will get a lot of support on this forum. Wishing you all the very best for a successful detox. Kind regards. Alf
Hi Dazza
What do you mean, please, by “waiting for detox”? I haven’t heard that expression before.
Whatever it means I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us informed,

As stated he’s a heavy drinker so I presume he’s been advised that he needs to detox with supervision probably for risk of DT’s etc. Suddenly stopping drinking can be fatal for some individuals so they need close monitoring 😔
Ah ok thx mark - know what detox means 😑 but it was the supervision bit that, although I’m aware of, was just checking that’s what he meant 👍
Your high GGT could be partially or entirely due to the heavy drinking. It increases in anyone who drinks heavily regardless of if they have liver disease or not. Once you detox and have had a few months sober you will see where the GGT is left after all the proverbial smoke clears.
Oh and I should also say congratulations that you are going through with the detox. Your taking a stand for your health and that is important. Dont worry about discomfort if you are being detoxed with medical supervision. It truly gets rid of all the horrible side effects of withdrawal. To be honest you'll likely sleep through the whole thing. Keep your head up my friend as your staring down the right path now 😊

Thank you
I witnessed someone being detoxed in hospital pre major surgery for a lethal cancer. He didnt even realise he was being de toxed! He asked what was Librium for! I told him straight. He survived the surgery for a rare cancer, He was one of a very few who had it all removed by lazer. Before he left he was offered meds to stop him wanting to drink too. There is so much help available now, all they require is your commitment. Stay strong and every success. At 33 you have a long life ahead of you, Hazelx
Hi all thanks for your comments yes I have been told by alcohol workers not to stop suddenly as my body could go into shock waiting for inpatient rehab to detox me safely with meds . Have been drinking daily 5 years now cut down to 13 units of alcohol a day get liver pain but hanging in there . All this started after I had a breakdown started drinking .
Drinking to make things bearable is self medicating. Sadly it has the opposite effect and increases depression.The awful lack of mental health services is the main problem. It should be in big letters on all alcohol, others turn to drugs because they too were let down. You are making a real effort and this will ensure you get detoxed. Then you should get your mental health looked into as well. One in 4 people will suffer from mental health problems at some point in their lives. Stay strong and committed and you will feel proud of yourself. You can then concentrate on recovering your liver. Hazelx