To every one for the messages of support you have sent me. I for one will not give up fighting this setback, from the bottom of my heart I thank you all so much. Love to you all..
Thank you: To every one for the messages... - British Liver Trust
Thank you

You have to stick around ....who else am I going to eat pretend chocolates with? 😁
Hi , how are you keeping. Well I hope and safe from all those storms..
I'm doing really good, thanks. My ultra sound came back lesions! I don't have to go back until Feb. Now I can exhale!
I got my liver clinic appointment on 27th of September, be interesting how it turns out now they found the tumour.
It's a great website isn't it Brummi. Having council with people who are or have been in same or similar situations is priceless.
Wish you all the best pal. Hope you get those results through and obviously that they're a false alarm or that you can get to work on getting fixed up again. I always found the worst part was the waiting.
Love this forum , I don't post many things on here , but it's a good way to get lots of support . I am hoping all turns out positive for you my fellow brummie 😊
Hi Millie09, it's people like you Millie that makes this forum. One day we will meet at the QE and the coffees on me.... lol
I go the queen Elizabeth for check ups how long as your transplant been.
Hi, I had my transplant in June 2013. My next appointment is on the 25th of Sept.
Good luck with your appointment. You have coped so well. Xxxx
Sorry I haven't been very supportive after your kind words to me.
I'm so sorry to hear your scan didn'tgo as planned.I don't know you very well but have no doubt you will kick it's butt.
Love Antonia (Dude)
Wishing you lots of love, Julie xxx
The very best of wishes to you...keep fighting!